Barrett 50 Cal Call Of Duty


The Barrett.50cal (sometimes referred to as M82) is a semi-automatic sniper rifle featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance, Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The Barrett is a relatively good candidate to use with a Silencer and Stopping Power, as the player can kill a target with a single shot to the chest, neck, or head. Recommended Class: Barrett.50 cal / ext mags g18/silencer sleight of hand stopping power steady aim c4+stuns Don't forget to Thank!

its worth about 3,570

Kitty 255,Its worth 8,000, you must be a worthy sniper to haveit.

Who invented the barret?

the barret .50 cal was invented by Ronnie Barret in the 90's. it fires the anti material .50 Bmg with a delayed recoil gas bolt.

What gun made the longest shot?

Best gun in the world?

Who has the weapon now That killed JFK?

What is the distance of a barret 50 cal?

Is the barrett 50 cal a bolt action?

Can a barrit 50 cal go through riot shield?

yes it can cause a barret can get over 2 inches of steel

How do i get a ghillie suit in MW2?

What is the best codmw2 gun?

How much does a barret 50 cal weigh?

When was the Barrett 50 sniper rifle invented?

The Barret sniper rifle was invented in 1982.

How do you get the 50 barret cal i in call of duty 4 modern warfare?

Call of Duty world at war sniper?

What gun do you use to get a moab in modern warfare 3?

Is the barret 50 cal legal in California?

Definitely not <><><> Caifornia outlawed private ownership of the .50 BMG rifle. The Barret company has notified California Law Enforcement Agencies that they will not longer be able to purchase Barret 50s, nor have repairs made to the ones they own.

How do you get extended mags on barret 50 cal?

It becomes available after you get 40 through the wall kills with fmj on.

What is the most powerful gun on call of duty 6?

What kind of airsoft gun should you get for the woods?

If u want to do real damege get the barret 50 cal.

What gun has the longest range?

Hand held: M82A1 Barret .50 Cal. Crew served: M110 203mm Howitzer

What did Captain jack go after his ship was lost?

On the way home he got shot in the head with a barret sniper rifle.

How far does bullet fired out of a Barret 50 cal travel?

Its effective range is about 2,000 meters but it can travel up to 6,800 meters.

What is the strongest sniper in the world?

Barrett 50 Cal Call Of Duty Schedule

Barret 50. Cal Is the strongest gun in the world. The bullet travels at 1,134546,3456,2435,34555556,4333333335 miles per hour.

How do you kill a juggernaut on MW2?

The best way is to shoot it repetitively with a semi- Automatic Sniper Rifle (Barret 50. Cal or a WA2000.)

What is more powerfull a .50 cal or a .44 mag?

Depends on which 50 cal you are referring to. -Im talking about handguns the desert eagle to be exact. I know a Barret .50cal is more powerfull than any .44mag because it is a rifle.

How do you get extended mags on modern warfare 2 barret 50 cal?

40 bullet penetration kills with full metal jackets (FMJ) selected.

How far does a barret 50 cal bullet go?


USABLE range is about 5900 feet. The bullet will travel nearly 5 miles, but not with usable accuracy.

Is the mw2 intervention a 50 cal rifle?

No. An Intervention shoots a smaller caliber bullet. The Barret is the rifle that shoots 50 caliber bullets. The Intervention fires .408Caliber Rounds (Bolt action)

How much does a 50 bmg bullet cost?

The cost of a 50 cal. BMG bullet is about $3,000 if you go to the right store!!

Is the barret 50 cal better than the intervention on MW2?

The intervention is bolt action and good for quick scoping i use it. i recommend sopping power for both the barret is good for hard scopes. i play ps3 feel free to add me Demolition_KID2.

Can todays body armor stop a 50 cal round?

If you mean the 12.7x99 cartridge, also known as the .50 BMG, and fired by weapons such as the Browning M2 machine gun and Barret sniper rifles, no.

Where can you find out who the strongest snipers are in Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2?

The strongest snipers in the game are: The Intervention, and the Barret 50. Cal. They both have allot of damage. I think the Barret has more damage, but the Intervention is really easy to use, and has allot of damage as well.

How much does a 50 cal bullet cost?

How do you get the barret 50 cal in Fallout New Vegas?

I think you mean the 'Anti-material Rifle'. It can be bought from the gun runners, south of the strip or taken from some veteran NCR rangers.

What is the best weapon Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare?

Either MP5 scilenced or Barret or M4 Carbine I think the M16 is way over used and entirely stupid

What type of gun does a sharpshooter use?

Some police use a 700, while some sniper teams in a war use a barret 50 cal or an m1. Some hitmen use 308s

How much does a Connecticut valley 50 cal blackpowder rifle cost?

a standard cva 50 cal will run you about 100 if you find the right dealer. i got mine for 65 at a flea market

Best sniper in mw2?

This is subjected to opinion but they most used sniper rifles are the Barret 50. Cal and the Intervention. The Intervention is the more commonly used of the two so it is considered the best sniper rifle.

Where did Hernan Cortes grow up?


Is a Glock 10mm a 50 cal?

No. 10mm is close to .40 cal, smaller than .50 cal.

How to create an account?

Are barret 50 caliber sniper rifles illegal?

How do you get the highlander title in CoD Modern Warfare 2?

In order to get the Highlander title in Cod Modern Warfare 2, you have to snipe 25 to 50 people either with a Intervention sniper rifle or Barret 50. Cal sniper rifle from a high place, like in the multiplayer map Rust.

What weapons were used in the battle for Okinawa?

What is the name of the .50 cal used by the Military?

Desert Eagle. Well its pretty simple 50. cal same thing with the sniper The above is an utter fallacy. The US military has not formally adopted a .50 cal handgun, and most likely will never do so. The only .50s in service are the Barret .50 cal sniper rifle, the M2 .50 heavy machine gun, and various .50 caliber miniguns used by the Air Force on its combat search and rescue helicopters. All fire a… Read More

How long is a 50 cal bullet?

What is the value of a RG 16 cal 22 mag?

About $50. The RG is generally a low cost firearm of questionable quality.

Why hasent nelson got a PS3 yet?

Because he knows they suck and are made by cheap Chinese cocks + he wants a Xbox 360 OMG Call of duty dual rangers with the barret 50 cal ohhh yeahh fully sick bro

What is the impacting power of a barret 50 caliber rifle?

Which has more ammo in MW2 barrett 50 cal or intervention?

What is faster a 50 cal or a 30 cal?

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Модель крупнокалиберной снайперской винтовки Barrett M82A1 из игры Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.

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