Warhammer 2 Save Location


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  1. Warhammer 2 Save File Location
Posted by8 months ago

EDIT:Im leaving this here for anyone who stumbles across it, to get mods working on a less than legit copy of Total War: Warhammer 2, the way i did it is by following the guide here, just make sure the you extract the full contents of the RAR file to somewhere before moving the .PACK to the games DATA folder. The best way to check if the mods are working is to enable them in the user.script.text file, one at a time (this is located in your %appdata% folders), unless it is a multipack mod (such as Dryrain's Reskins).

Next launch the game, this will go quicker with the skip intro mod, now usually youd think you had to pla a bit to check if the mods are working, i will tell you this, you dont. In the %appdata% folder (located here: C:Users*Username*AppDataRoamingThe Creative AssemblyWarhammer2 ) there is a log folder, open that in a new window (this way you can have 1 window for the scripts text file and one for the logs) and then open the modified.text file, you will be able to see which mods work here, all you need to do is load the game to the main menu.

A little side note is, some mods might not work depending on their location in the user.script text file, just try moving them around a little bit.

Here is a link to a website for downloading mods: http://catalogue.smods.ru/how-to-install-mods-for-total-war-warhammer-ii

BIG thanks to Magiclu for his help below, his comments flipped a switch for me.

EDIT: If your mods are not working, make sure the user.script is saved as Unicode, you do this by clicking the drop down box, labeled Encoding, and select unicode, now save the file, overwriting when asked.

Now, a little step by step guide for when you have mods working, but not all.

Step 1: In your user.script file, put this before each line // (this // makes the game skip these lines, so they wont be loaded)

Step 2: remove the // from several mods, no more than 10 a time, as doing all of them at once will not work 99% of the time

Step 3: Launch the game

Step 3A: if it CTDs (crashes to desktop) put the // back in front of half the mods and repeat this step, do so until the game loads to the main menu.

Step 4: Start a new campaign, any campaign/faction is fine, this is to make sure it loads the files properly, If the game crashes, go to step 3A

Step 5: If the game worked, check the modified.log file to see if all the mods you loaded, are showing as active, if so carry on, if not go back to 3A

Step 6: Repeat from step 2 until you get your desired mods active (Just remember some mods wont work at all, due to incompatibility, there is nothing that can be done about this)

Step 7: Enjoy the game.

General data
TypeMajor race
RulerDepends on subfaction
Playable subfactionsHexoatl
Last Defenders
Cult of Sotek
Starting territoryDepends on subfaction
ClimatesPrefers Jungle, Savanna and Desert
Racial capitalHexoatl in Isthmus of Lustria
Itza in Northern Great Jungle
Distinct features
Geomantic Web:Settlements are linked by a network which boosts the power of commandments
Blessed Spawnings:Periodic missions allow access to powerful Blessed variants of certain units
RitesLizardmen rites give faction-wide bonuses, and allow special units to be recruited
Rampage:Lizardmen have beasts suitable for every task, though some are so ferocious they may lose control and charge ahead
Lord Kroak:Lizardmen factions can recruit the powerful unique hero Lord Kroak

The Lizardmen are a playable race introduced in Total War: Warhammer II. They are playable in multiplayer and custom battles. In the campaign, they have 4 playable sub-factions.

Lizardmen are not a single race but a society of different cold-blooded creatures who dwell in temple-cities that tower over the southern jungles. They march to war alongside mighty reptilian beasts which resemble dinosaurs. Despite their frightening appearance, the Lizardmen see themselves as guardians of a divine order, and are ancient enemies of Chaos.

  • 3In Battle
  • 4In the Campaign
  • 6Videos

How they play[editedit source]

A summary of Lizardmen gameplay:

  • Units: In battle, Lizardmen have strong melee units, powerful magic users, and many monsters. However, their ranged units are just average.
  • Blessed Spawnings: These are elite Lizardmen units in limited supply, similar to Regiments of Renown.
  • Rampage: Overall, Lizardmen have good leadership. However, many of their units can potentially rampage and go out of control in battle.
  • Rites: Lizardmen can perform several rites in campaign to bolster themselves or recruit Slann Mage-Priests.
  • Astromancy Stance: A unique armystance which increases map vision and ambush chance.
  • Geomantic Web: Lizardmen settlements are linked by the magical Geomantic Web which makes their commandments more powerful.
  • Lord Kroak: Lizardmen factions can embark on a quest to recruit the unique heroLord Kroak.

Background[editedit source]

To the south of the world, in much warmer, jungle climes, live the Lizardmen. These reptilian champions of order are not one race but a collective of various cold-blooded creatures all dedicated to bringing the Great Plan of the Old Ones to fruition. The Old Ones were a godlike race - worshipped by the Lizardmen - who travelled the stars and terraformed the world in ages past, before the ancient enemy invaded.

The Lizardmen are led by the Slann Mage-Priests, who in turn are served by the adaptable Skinks, the labouring Kroxigors and the fearsome warrior-caste, the mighty Saurus. It is the Saurus that form the bulk of the Lizardmen armies for they are spawned for that sole purpose – bringing war to those deigned as enemies by the Mage-Priests.

Being cold-blooded, Lizardmen reside in the warmer climates, mainly across the jungle-continent of Lustria and the Southlands. Hidden within the undergrowth are the temple-cities where the Slann contemplate and the other reptilian castes live to serve the Old Ones’ will. Shining brightest of all the ancient temple-cities is Hexoatl, the City of the Sun. Though Itza is the First City, Hexoatl has eclipsed it in importance due to its status as home to Lord Mazdamundi, the most active of all the remaining Slann Mage-Priests. Due to its location and history, the City of the Sun is the most fortified and martial of all the temple-cities. Whereas the boundaries of most other cities simply merge with the jungle, Hexoatl has mighty walls and serried ranks of Saurus patrol its plazas. Until recently, even the Norse trespassers of Skeggi and its surrounding colonies avoided Hexoatl, although that has changed of late.

In Battle[editedit source]

Lizardmen forces led by Kroq-Gar.

Unit Roster[editedit source]

Main article: Lizardmen unit roster

In battle, Lizardmen combine lines of slow but tough Saurus infantry, backed up by more skittish weaker and faster Skinks. They also have lots of monsters. Their spellcasters are some of the game's most powerful and versatile. Lizardmen overall are tough, fairly damaging and unlikely to break. However their mobility is average at best, and their ranged options are outclassed by races like High Elves, Dwarfs and The Empire. Though it is worth noting that some ranged Lizardmen units have poison or fire attacks.

Lizardmen spellcasters have access to the Lore of High Magic, Lore of Light, Lore of Heavens and Lore of Beasts.

Blessed Spawnings[editedit source]

Main article: Blessed Spawnings
SaveWarhammer 2 Save Location

Blessed Spawnings, also called Special Spawnings are elite Lizardmen units in limited supply, similar to Regiments of Renown. Blessed Spawnings are only available in campaign.

Rampaging units[editedit source]

Many Lizardmen units have the potential to rampage after staying in battle too long. Normally this trait is only found on wild or feral units in other races, but many Lizardmen line units such as Saurus Warriors can rampage. When a unit rampages, it gains stat bonuses and will automatically charge/engage the nearest enemy unit in melee. The player loses control while it is rampaging. Units will not break and flee while rampaging.

Cold-Blooded[editedit source]

All Lizardmen characters have an ability called Cold-Blooded which increases the leadership of a unit, and stops it rampaging if it is doing so.

In the Campaign[editedit source]

Lizardmen are a normal, non-horde faction who occupy settlements and control provinces.

Playable Factions[editedit source]

In campaign, Lizardmen have four playable factions, each with their own starting position and led by different legendary lords. See individual pages for details and strategies.

Hexoatl, led by Lord Mazdamundi
Last Defenders, led by Kroq-Gar
Tlaqua, led by Tiktaq'to
Cult of Sotek, led by Tehenhauin

Vortex Rituals[editedit source]

In the Eye of the Vortex campaign, Lizardmen compete to control the Great Vortex by using Rituals.

Geomantic Web[editedit source]

Main article: Geomantic Web

The Geomantic Web is network of magical energy that links Lizardmen settlements together and increases the strength of Lizardmen commandments. The Geomantic Web is strengthened by certain buildings, and by owning whole provinces.

Rites[editedit source]

Main article: Lizardmen rites

Lizardmen can perform several rites to spawn armies of monsters, allow them to recruit Slann Mage-Priests or give other bonuses.

Buildings[editedit source]

Main article: Lizardmen buildings

Technology[editedit source]

Main article: Lizardmen tech tree

Inventory[editedit source]

Stances[editedit source]

Special stances: Astromancy

Common stances: March, Encamp, Ambush, Channelling.

Post-battle options[editedit source]

Lizardmen post-battle options are as follows:

  • Release Captives
  • Exterminate
  • Kill & Eat

Commandments[editedit source]

Main article: Geomantic Web

Climate preferences[editedit source]

Warhammer 2 Save File Location

Lizardmen have the following climate preferences for settlements:

  • Habitable: Savannah, Desert, Jungle
  • Unpleasant: Temperate, Mountain, Magical Forest, Island
  • Uninhabitable: Wasteland, Frozen, Ocean, Chaotic Wasteland

Chaos Invasion[editedit source]

During a Chaos Invasion, the AI Lizardmen factions gain the Shield of Civilization trait along with certain other races.

Minor Factions[editedit source]

The following non-playable NPC factions are grouped as part of the Lizardmen race.

  • Teotiqua (Mortal Empires campaign only)
  • Xlanhuapec (Eye of the Vortex campaign only)

Videos[editedit source]

Trailer[editedit source]

How to win as Lizardmen[editedit source]

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