Thieves Guild Armor Oblivion

  1. Thieves Guild Armor Oblivion

Re: Oblivion Last Thieves Guild Quest Help I just ended up getting irritated enough with that part that I enchanted some armor with full chameleon and went for it. Thieves Guild part I The Guilds' quests Oblivion Guide. Post Comment. The missions that are given to you by the thieves guild obviously require high Sneak and Security abilities. In most of them you are supposed to avoid combat, as any unnecessary casualties result in gold penalties from the guild itself.

The missions that are given to you by the thieves guild obviously require high Sneak and Security abilities. In most of them you are supposed to avoid combat, as any unnecessary casualties result in gold penalties from the guild itself.

Except for completing mission after mission, you also have to 'fence' a certain amount of money in order to be assigned some new special tasks. You fence money by stealing goods and selling them to special guild member known as, well, fences. That's the only way to earn money on stolen goods in Oblivion. See the quest 'Independent Thievery' for details.


Required amount of fenced money:

Quest requirement:



May the Best Thief Win



Untaxing the Poor



The Elven Maiden



Ahdarji's Heirloom

Cat Burglar





Taking Care of Lex

Master Thief


Arrow of Extrication

Gray Fox


The Ultimate Heist

Finding the Thieves Guild

Thieves Guild Armor Oblivion

After some time spent in Cyrodiil, you'll surely notice Wanted posters in all bigger cities, pointing out the mysterious character of Gray Fox. He's presumed to be the Thieves Guild leader. You'll hear a gossip that the beggars are his eyes and ears. Question one of them (at least 2 of them are in every city), and raise his Disposition. You'll know that in order to join the Guild you are to be in the Garden of Daleroth in Imperial City Waterfront exactly at midnight. When you're there (there's a map marker for you), you'll meet Armand Christophe, together with two other guild-wannabes.

Thieves guild armor oblivion 2

HINT: Armand won't talk 'business' with you in any other time or place, each time you want to report after performing a quest you have to wait until midnight and go to Garden of Daleroth.

HINT: A shorter way to find the Thieves Guild is to actually let city guard arrest you. When you have spent some time in jail, you'll be approached by a guild's messenger who'll tell you about the meeting place.

May the Best Thief Win

Your first task is to race the other two candidates in finding a man named Amentius Allectus and stealing his journal. Ask any beggar in the city about Amentius and you'll know that he lives in the Temple District. You'll find his house following the map marker. Picklock the door and steal the journal from the house - piece of cake. Armand will be satisfied with your performance and will gladly make you a guild member.

Independent Thievery

This mission follows you throughout your whole career as a Fighters Guild cooperative. To make things short, it's all about stealing and selling what you steal. The higher your rank, the more fences you'll be allowed to contact. All of them have a very high Mercantile ability, so cope with the fact that you probably won't be pulling any good bargains on them. After each quest you are informed how much money you need to fence before the next one becomes available.


The stolen goods are marked with a red hand in your inventory. You can't sell them in ordinary shops. Where do you get them? Well, you steal, of course. Steal from houses and pockets of every possible NPC in Cyrodiil. Sneak and Security are a must here.



Ongar the World-Weary


Dar Jee


Luciana Galena



Castle Anvil

Fathis Ules

Imperial City, Elven Gardens

Untaxing the Poor

You have to take back the taxes that have been collected by the city guard from the Waterfront's people. They are being kept in South Watch Tower (access through Temple District or Arboretum). Climb the ladder up three times, using the lockpick the third time. The money and a tax record are in a closet to the right. Take them all and go back to Christophe. He says you can keep the money.

The Elven Maiden

Go to Cheydinhal. Talk to one of the beggars, paying him for some information. You'll know that the statue you are looking for is in Chapel Undercroft. Go there through the Chapel, opening the Average lock by the way. The only problem here is a guard, who shouldn't see you in any case. Sneak past her and get the statue. Back to Waterfront.

Dragon age origins crack. It turns out that while you were doing the job, the city guard raided the Waterfront in order to find and arrest Christophe. Methredhel will tell you all the details once you find her. You have to plant the statue you stole in Myvryna Arano's house (leave it in a closet). Find Hieronymus, who's hanging around somewhere, and tell him that Arano was the one stealing the statue. You'll have to persuade him a bit to make him believe. Follow him to her house. After a short scene wait for some time and Armand will appear as usual at midnight in a given place.

You'll get a promotion and access to a new fence - Dar Jee in Leyawiin. Next missions will be assigned to you by S'krivva in Bravil.

Adharji's Heirloom

Your new Doyen will send you to Leyawiin in order to speak with Adharji. When you're there, talk to some beggars, then go to her house. She wants you to find a thief named Amusei - remember him? He's the one you beat in a race to join the guild. Talk to some beggars again, and you'll know that the Argonian is being held prisoner in the castle. Go there. In exchange for a lockpick, he'll tell you everything about the ring. The Countess has it.

Again, question the beggars. You have to find Hildara Mothril, countess' handmaiden. She's hanging out somewhere in the Leyawiin Castle. Talk to her, rising her disposition, and she'll tell you some useful things about Countess' habits and a secret torture chamber hidden somewhere in the castle.

Wait until midnight. Go down to the basement and use the lever hidden in one of the barrels (screenshot above). First you'll find yourself in the torture chamber, then go to the Countess' living quarters. Sneak past her and either picklock the Jewelry box or steal the key to it from the sleeping Countess. When you have the rind, go back to Adharji.

Thieves Guild Armor Oblivion

HINT: Adharji will double her reward for you if you tell her that Amusei tried to sell the ring - before you give it to her, obviously.

Thieves Guild Armor

Base ArmorWeightBase Value
68 (full) 11 (full) 1679


Upgrade Material

See table
'I know Thieves' Guild armor when I see it, you're not fooling anybody..'
―Hold Guards[src]

Thieves Guild Armor is a light armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The armor is mostly made of leather and is lightweight, making it ideal for the agile shadow-hugging thief. It offers higher defense than Elven or Scaled Armor and is available extremely early in the game after 2 non combat quests. Incidentally, the armor cannot be disenchanted. Upgraded with Leather, the Thieves Guild Armor fortifieslockpicking, pickpocket, and carrying capacity when worn. Pieces can only be found within the Ragged Flagon - Cistern. Random encounter thieves wear this armor, however it cannot be taken from them.


  • Tonilia, the Riftenfence, grants a complete Thieves Guild Armor set just after the beginning of 'Loud and Clear'.
  • A second full set can be found in the training room area of the guild. It rests on the tables and cupboards of the Ragged Flagon - Cistern (respawns eventually).
  • An additional pair of boots, gloves, and a hood can be located around the beds.
  • PC users can open the console and type: player.additem <itemid> <amount> to receive pieces of armor. This option is useful if previous sets were sold, lost or disenchanted.


Upon completing 'Scoundrel's Folly' without killing Gulum-Ei, the opportunity to upgrade one piece of the armor is provided. The stat increases include:

  • The Armor upgrade has carrying capacity +35 instead of +20.
  • The Boot upgrade has Pickpocket +25% instead of +15%.
  • The Gloves upgrade has Lockpicking +25% instead of +15%.
  • The Hood upgrade boosts prices by +15% instead of +10%.

After the quest 'Under New Management,' you are given a superior set called the Guild Master's Armor. This set includes improved bonuses for all pieces of armor.

Attributes by pieceEdit

Piece EnchantmentID
Thieves Guild Armor 33 7 665Carrying capacity increased by 20.000D3AC3
Thieves Guild Boots 10 1.5 241Pickpocket success is 15% better.000D3AC2
Thieves Guild Gloves 10 1 222Lockpicking is 15% easier.000D3AC4
Thieves Guild Hood 15 1.5 551 Prices are 10% better.000D3AC5
Total 68 11 1679


Thieves Guild Armor
Thieves Guild Boots
Thieves Guild Gloves
Thieves Guild Hood


  • While wearing the armor, Hold Guards will sometimes comment, 'I know Thieves' Guild armor when I see it, you're not fooling anybody..' and, 'I know you're a member of the Thieves Guild, and so do the other guards.'
  • The armor bears slight resemblance to the leather armor from Oblivion, which is noticeably different to its Skyrim counterpart.
  • This armor has exactly the same armor rating as the Shrouded Armor, which is the primary armor used by Dark Brotherhood assassins.
  • None of the pieces in this set can be disenchanted.


This section contains bugs related to Thieves Guild Armor. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template 360 / XB1 , PS3 / PS4 , PC / MAC , NX , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  • 360 PS3 This armor must be exchanged with Tonilia during a later quest. Without it, the quest cannot be completed and she cannot be unlocked as a fence. Additionally, 'Under New Management' cannot be completed. The rank of guildmaster cannot be obtained either.
    • 360(Fix) PS3(Fix) Solution: If you have Patch 1.4, in the Cistern check the bed on the right, entering from the Flagon, between the bed and the end table. There should be Thieves guild armor sitting there. You can pick it up and give it to Tonilia. There may also be a set in the Training Room on the cupboards.
    • If you somehow do not have any armor lying around the cistern or you have sold it, you can delete the game data and patch data and reinstall them to respawn the clothes back in the cistern.
    • All pieces of Thieves Guild armor found around the Cistern will respawn after approximately a month of in game time. The pieces of armor found in the training room respawn more often. It is always possible to complete 'Under New Management.'
  • If wearing the hood while playing as a vampire, it becomes invisible and graphically glitches the Dragonborn's hair, giving them a massive bald spot. It is also possible to wear another piece of apparel atop the hood. While invisible, it does grant the bonuses to defense and speech. You can wear other pieces of headgear in addition to it.
  • 360 PS3 Occasionally, you cannot improve any piece of Thieves Guild Armor even if you have the Arcane Blacksmith perk. However all parts of the Armor can be improved with the Arcane Blacksmith perk.
  • PS4 Thieves guild armor may have the opposite effect and actually decrease the chances of successfully pickpocketing someone.


Armor in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Headgear • Cuirass • Boots • Gauntlets • Shields
Crafted Armor Sets
LightHide • Imperial Light • Leather • Elven • Chitin(DB) • Scaled • Glass • Stalhrim Light(DB) • Dragonscale
HeavyIron • Ancient Nord • Imperial • Steel • Bonemold(DB) • Dwarven • Steel Plate • Chitin Heavy(DB)
Nordic Carved(DB) • Orcish • Ebony • Dragonplate • Stalhrim(DB) • Daedric
Non Crafted Armor Sets
LightFur Armor • Dawnguard Armor(DG) • Morag Tong Armor(DB) • Penitus Oculatus Armor • Shrouded Armor
Skaal Armor(DB) • Stormcloak Armor • Stormcloak Officer Armor • Vampire Armor(DG)
HeavyBlades Armor • Dawnguard Heavy Armor(DG) • Falmer Armor • Falmer Heavy Armor(DG) • Falmer Hardened Armor(DG) • Wolf Armor
Unique Armor Sets
Ancient Falmer Armor(DG) • Ancient Shrouded Armor • Armor of the Old Gods • Ahzidal's Armor(DB) • Blackguard's Armor(DB) • Deathbrand Armor(DB)
Guild Master's Armor • Linwe's Armor • Nightingale Armor • Thieves Guild Armor • Worn Shrouded Armor
Related Topics
Light Armor • Heavy Armor • Smithing • Armor in Dawnguard • Armor in Dragonborn

Discussions about Thieves Guild Armor

  • What symbol is that on the chest?

    • You're speaking of the Nightingale Armor, right?
    • Thieves Guild Armor There's a small symbol on the chest piece that k..
  • Bald Spots!

    • Can anyone help I'm playing skyrim on 360 I can't use mods but all NPCs have no hair