Lego Star Wars Rebel Ship


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Alliance Fleet

General information

Military unit type

Organizational information

Commanding officer(s)

  • Commander-in-ChiefMon Mothma[2]
  • AdmiralGial Ackbar[3]
  • AdmiralRaddus[4]



  • Alliance Starfighter Command[5]
  • Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps[6]


  • Alpha Group[7]
  • Beta Group[7]
  • Delta Group[7]
  • Gamma Group[7]
  • Massassi Group's fleet[8]
  • Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet[9]
  • Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet[10]
  • Phoenix fleet[8]
  • Task Force Antilles[11]
  • Task Force Organa[12]


  • Chopper Base, Atollon[8]
  • Base One, Yavin 4[4]
  • Mako-Ta Space Docks[13]
  • Echo Base, Hoth[14]
  • Rebel rendezvous point[14]
  • 5251977[15]
  • Sullust[3]


Historical information

Formed from

  • Various rebel cells, including:[16]
    • Bail Organa's resistance movement[17]
    • Massassi Group[16]
    • Phoenix Cell[16]

Date founded

Date reorganized

Other information


  • Alliance to Restore the Republic[3]
    • Alliance Military[3]
'Look how many there are!'
'This my friends, this is our rebellion.'
―Ezra Bridger and Senator Mon Mothma witnessing the newly formed Alliance Fleet[src]

The Alliance Fleet, also known as the Rebel fleet, the Rebel Alliance Navy, the Rebel Navy, the Alliance Navy or simply the Rebel Alliance Fleet, was the militarynaval force of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire and the Galactic Civil War. It was formed from starships of various rebel cells. Following the Battle of Endor and the formation of the New Republic, the Alliance Fleet transitioned into the New Republic Defense Fleet.


In the early days of the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, various rebel cells began coordinating their efforts to combat the reign of the Empire. A rebel fleet was beginning to form.[20]

In 4 BBY,[21]Phoenix Cell, an Alliance sector fleet,[2] dispatched three CR90 corvettes to rescue the rebel cell Spectres during a skirmish above Mustafar. The corvettes destroyed several TIE fighters before spiriting the Spectres away into space. The Spectres soon learned that they were one cell among many others.[20] Later elements of the rebel fleet ambushed an Imperial convoy and stole several deflector shield generators. While hiding in deep space, the Phoenix Squadron's ships came under attack from the Sith LordDarth Vader, who destroyed several A-wings and the Squadron's flagshipPhoenix Home. Despite these losses, the rebels managed to flee into hyperspace before Imperial reinforcements arrived.[22]

When CaptainRex joined Phoenix Squadron, he supplied them with information on the location of former Republic bases in the Outer Rim Territories and some Mandalorian ones.[23] Later, the rebel fleet made two attempts to breach the Imperial blockade of Ibaar. After losing a corvette, the rebel pilotHera Syndulla managed to break through using a prototypeB-wing starfighter. As a result, she was promoted to Phoenix Leader.[24] Later on in 3 BBY, the rebel fleet was forced to abandon their facilities in Garel City after the Empire launched an attack on the planetGarel. At least one ship was shot down but most of the fleet escaped into hyperspace.[25]

After learning of the rebel fleet's losses, SenatorBail Organa sent three Sphyrna-class corvette to reinforce the fleet. The Spectres and Ryder Azadi managed to steal the ships from the Lothal Depot with the help of PrincessLeia Organa.[26] During a diplomatic mission to the Concord Dawn system, elements of the Phoenix Squadron were attacked by Fenn Rau's Fang fighters. In response, the rebels attacked the Protectors'encampment on the third moon of Concord Dawn and kidnapped Rau. As a result, Rau granted the rebel fleet safe passage through the Concord Dawn system.[27]

Later, the loss of A-wings led the rebels to steal an Imperial Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier above Ryloth with the help of the Free Ryloth movement. The stolen Imperial ship became their new fighter carrier and flagship Phoenix Nest.[28] The Empire later tried to lure the rebel fleet into a trap in the Yost system by attacking the Phoenix Squadron in deep space. However, the rebel astromech droidChopper and the defecting Imperial inventory droidAP-5 gave the rebel fleet the coordinates to a safe planet called Atollon.[29] Atollon became the site for a new rebel base called Chopper Base.[30]

In 2 BBY, the Imperial tactician Grand AdmiralThrawn turned his attention to defeating the rebel fleet, which he viewed as a threat to the Empire's armada and EmperorPalpatine's plans. Under his orders, GovernorArihnda Pryce, AdmiralKassius Konstantine, and AgentKallus intercepted Phoenix Squadron above the planet Yarma. However, Thrawn realised that this was not the complete rebel fleet and instructed his subordinates to allow the rebels to escape with five stolenY-wing bombers. These Y-wings were later transferred to GeneralJan Dodonna's unit.[31]

Later, the rebel fleet's Phoenix Squadron evacuated rebel sympathizers from the planet Mykapo prior to an Imperial crackdown. CommanderJun Sato also managed to rescue his nephew Mart Mattin and his Iron Squadron with the help of the Spectres. Thrawn allowed the Phoenix Squadron to escape into space since he was after the entire rebel fleet.[32]

Following Admiral Kassius Konstantine's failed attempt to capture Senator Mon Mothma, starships from various rebel cells assembled at Dantooine to become the Rebel Alliance's fleet to fight the Empire.[16]


Early rebellion against the Galactic EmpireEdit

'...Thrawn believes this is the entire rebel fleet.'
―Hera Syndulla[src]

One of the first engagements the nascent Alliance Fleet took part in was when the Phoenix Cell and a portion of the Massassi Group massed at Chopper Base on Atollon. They planned on attacking the TIE/D Defender factories on Lothal with the help of the Lothal resistance. Grand Admiral Thrawn however, had discovered not only their plan to attack his factories but their location as well. His Fleetambushed the rebels and they attempted to flee. Thrawn's Interdictor vessels kept the rebels at Atollon and they began attacking his blockade. The battle was a disastrous rout for the Alliance, with many their ships falling to TIE/sa bombers and Phoenix Squadron's flagship ramming into one of the Interdictors. Ezra Bridger escaped the system, leaving the remaining rebels to defend the base from Thrawn's ground forces. Thrawn quickly took the base but not for long as a Force-sensitive creature called the Bendu attacked both sides. Ezra returned with reinforcements and they destroyed the second Interdictor Vessel allowing the remaining rebels to escape. Only the Ghost, two Hammerhead corvettes, the CR90 corvette Liberator and a scattering of starfighters survived.[8]

Galactic Civil WarEdit

'The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped. They're more dangerous than you realize.'
―General Cassio Tagge[src]

Battle of ScarifEdit

'Send the whole Rebel fleet if you have to.'
―Jyn Erso, to Alliance High Command[src]

Despite the losses from prior battles, the Alliance began to consolidate additional support and more vessels. The first major action of the Alliance Fleet was at Scarif. Here, a fleet led by Admiral Raddus assaulted the Imperial Shield Gate above Scarif, to support the theft of the Death Star plans below in the Citadel Tower. Despite being outgunned, as a majority of their ships were transports, the Alliance ships put up a fierce fight. Raddus had Blue Squadron fly through the shield gate before it closed and support the ground forces. Meanwhile, Red, Gold and Green Squadron defended the fleet whilst individually attacking the shield gate to draw its attention. The Y-wings of Gold Squadron disabled one of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers and Raddus had the Heartbound and Deviant keep the other one from advancing.[4]

Raddus then got news from the ground that the plans to the Death Star were obtained and the shield gate would need to be destroyed in order for them to be transmitted. Raddus, therefore, devised a plan for the Sphyrna-class corvette Lightmaker to ram the disabled Star Destroyer into the functioning one. The Lightmaker successfully did this and managed to bring the Destroyer into the shield gate. Raddus's ships the Profundity then received the plans from the rebels in the citadel tower. Their moment of victory was cut short when the Death Star arrived and destroyed the Imperial complex and everything around it on the ground. Raddus ordered the fleet to retreat and the rebel ships began jumping to hyperspace. Raddus and the Profundity didn't make it out however as the Devastator arrived and disabled the ship. The other ships were either destroyed or fled the system. Rebel soldiers on the Profundity put the plans onto a memory piece and escaped on the Tantive IV before Darth Vader could intercept them.[4] The Profundity was destroyed thereafter, taking Raddus and his crew with it.

Lego Star Wars Rebel Ship

Pursuit Above TatooineEdit

Following its escape from Scarif, the Tantive IV was on the run. It had sustained damage before it's time inside the Profundity and barely made it to Tatooine before it's hyperdrive gave out. It was then pursued by the Devastator, which had tracked its trail of leaking radiation from the damaged hyperdrive. Unable to put up a proper fight, Tantive IV soon found itself being pulled into the hanger of the Devastator. Darth Vader and his stormtroopers stormed the ship killing many rebels and Leia Organa was captured and taken to the Death Star.[6]

The Battle of YavinEdit

The Alliance finally received the Death Star plans from Organa, who had been rescued from the Death Star by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Their next move was to use its weakness, a small Thermal exhaust port with led to the reactor, to destroy it. Grand MoffWilhuff Tarkin had tracked Han's ship the Millennium Falcon to Yavin 4, revealing the location of Great Temple to the Empire. Tarkin took the Death Star to Yavin and the battle station began orbiting the Gas giant to be in firing range of the moon where the rebels were based. Short for time, the rebels dispatched Red and Gold and Green Squadron to attack the Death Star. The scattering of 30 X-wings and Y-wings began destroying turret emplacement and fending off the incoming TIE Fighters defending the Death Star.[6]

Gold Squadron was the first to make an attack run through the Death Stars trench with 3 Y-wings, flown by Gold LeaderJon Vander, Gold TwoDex Tiree and Gold FiveDavish Krail. They started targeting the exhaust port with their targeting computers but soon found themselves under fire from Darth Vader and two other TIE fighter pilots. The three were killed before they could fire upon the exhaust port. The second attack run was done by Red Squadron with 3 X-wings flown by Red LeaderGarven Dreis, Red TenTheron Nett and Red TwelvePuck Naeco. Theron and Puck were picked off by Darth Vader but Garven managed to get a shot on the exhaust port, which missed. Garven was then shot down by Vader when pulling out of the Death Stars trench.[6]

The final trench run was done by three of the remaining Red Squadron X-wings flown by Red TwoWedge Antilles, Red ThreeBiggs Darklighter and Red Five Luke Skywalker. They too were pursued by Darth Vader who destroyed Biggs's X-wing and damaged Wedge's X-wing to the point he had to pull out. Luke was about to be destroyed when Han Solo brought in the Millennium Falcon and attacked Vader and his escort. Vader escaped allowing Luke to make the shot on the exhaust port. Only Luke, Han, Wedge and Gold ThreeEvaan Verlaine survived. The Death Star exploded killing Grand Moff Tarkin and many other high-ranking Imperial officers like ColonelWullf Yularen.[6]

Fleeing YavinEdit

'…the Empire now knows our location. Therefore, our first priority is to find a new base of operations. To that end, all Rebel fleets have arrived to assist us in evacuating Yavin immediately.'
―General Jan Dodonna[src]

Following the battle, Admiral Gial Ackbar, promoted to replace the late Raddus, and the Rebel Fleet arrived at Yavin 4 to begin evacuating their base.[33] Afterwards, the Rebel Fleet orbited the remote world of Orto Plutonia while waiting for a suitable base of operations to be established, sending rebel troopers to the planet below for training exercises. The mathematical genius Drusil Bephorin correctly predicted that the Rebel Fleet would be located there and was later rescued from her Imperial captivity by Luke Skywalker.[34] Following the rebel attack on Cymoon 1, Princess Leia and her team rendezvoused with the fleet to meet Ackbar and Mon Mothma.[35]

Massacre at Vrogas VasEdit

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, at least five Alliance starfighter squadrons were stationed at the refueling base on Vrogas Vas, including Red Squadron. Their time there was cut short, however, when Darth Vader arrived in the system to find Luke Skywalker. Vader was faced with Red, Blue and Yellow Squadron. Without hesitation, the Dark Lord of the Sith began tearing their X-wings apart until Skywalker crashed his X-wing into Vader's TIE. The pair plummeted towards the surface and the Y-wings of Gray Squadron began a search for them. Unlucky for them, Gray Squadron found Vader first and the Sith began hurling rocks at them, destroying the Y-wings one by one.[36]

The Rebel Refueling Base began sending ground forces towards Vader's position, escorted by the T-47 airspeeders of Cyan Squadron. They faced Vader and he out-smarted them by activating their grenades and scattering them. Many airspeeders fell in the fight.[37] Later on, Leia Organa ordered the Y-wings of Amber Wing to bombard Vader's new position. The Y-wings were cut off by the Imperial forces led by Commander Karbin. The remaining rebels began retreating as infighting between Vader and Karbin broke out. Karbin was killed in the fight.[38]

Attack on the Mako-Ta Space docksEdit

Following the death of king Lee-Char and the mutiny on Mon Cala, twelve Mon Calamari cruisers joined the Alliance Fleet and gathered around the Mako-Ta Space Docks and for months[10] were converted with Shu-Torun technology into warships. The Alliance leadership, along with Queen Trios of Shu-Torun, celebrated the gathering of completion and gathering of the fleet with a light show performed by X-wing pilots. After the light show, the fleet prepared to launch into hyperspace and scatter throughout the galaxy, ready to be called upon to fight the Empire, but when the launch was attempted, the fleet discovered that their hyperdrives were inoperable. After it was revealed that the Shu-Torun technology was inoperable, Alliance leadership could only watch in despair as Darth Vader's Death Squadron arrived and destroyed General Vanden Willard's cruiser, killing Willard and his entire crew.[7]

Following Willard's death, the Alliance discovered that the hangar doors on the Mon Cala ships could still open automatically if a ship flew close enough to their sensors. In an attempt to mobilize the Alliance's starfighters, General Bandwin Cor flew a shuttle towards a Mon Cala cruiser, but his shuttle was destroyed, killing him. Shortly after General Cor's death, Han Solo arrived in the Millennium Falcon.[39] He was briefed on the situation and made a run at the hangar doors of General Dodonna's cruiser, but he was pursued by Vader. C-3PO was able to get word to Luke Skywalker about the hangar doors and Skywalker was able to make the doors open from the inside. Luke, Wedge Antilles, and several other pilots flew their X-Wings into battle, flying under the squadron name Rogue Squadron, in honor of Jyn Erso.[40]

Rogue Squadron was able to get the hangars of the various star cruisers open, allowing the rebellion to launch all of their fighters, but the other systems on the ships, such as the hyperdrives and weapons systems, were still offline. Leia Organa and Davits Draven led a team onto the Executor to steal Trios' override codes, but during their infiltration, Vader began pursuing them.[41] Leia successfully obtained the override codes, and Draven was killed by Vader as he attempted to slow him down to protect Leia as she escaped. Leia brought the codes to Dodonna's cruiser, the Republic, and they successfully jumped to hyperspace. Once they reached safety, though, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa demanded that General Dodonna return his cruiser to the battle to save the rest of the fleet. Though initially reluctant, Dodonna eventually agreed.[42]

Once Dodonna's command ship returned to the battle, it began transmitting the override codes to the rest of the fleet. Once General Hera Syndulla received the override codes, she ordered her cruiser, the Geist, to engage the Imperial fleet while the codes transferred to the remaining rebel ships. Near the end of the battle, Jan Dodonna's cruiser was damaged and its engines were disabled. Dodonna ordered his cruiser to provide cover fire, defending the rest of the fleet as it jumped to hyperspace. After the last cruiser jumped, Dodonna's cruiser was destroyed, killing him and his crew. Though many were able to escape this bloodbath, the rebels lost most of their cruisers and nearly 90 percent of their starfighters.[43]

Aftermath of Mako-TaEdit

Following the devastation of Mako-Ta, Skywalker, Solo, and Organa were separated from the Alliance and hired Sana Starros to help them find the location of the fleet. After encountering an Imperial destroyer while en route to meet a contact on Brentaal IV, they were forced to land on the isolationist moon of Hubin.[44] During their time there, Skywalker, Organa, and Solo, as well as the native Clan Markona, fought against SCAR Squadron, and eventually fled the moon. The attack on Hubin by the Empire caused Clan Markona to join the Alliance,[45] and when they eventually met up with the contact, who gave the location of the fleet, Clan Markona was sent to support Syndulla and the Geist, while Skywalker, Organa, and Solo met with Admiral Ackbar in the Kaliida Nebula, where the admiral informed them of the many losses that had occurred in their absence since the battle at Mako-Ta.[46]

Battle of HothEdit

In 3 ABY, the Alliance had established a base on the ice planet of Hoth. It location remained a secret for a month before Darth Vader discovered it's location. He brought his armada of Imperial-class Star Destroyers, led by the Executor, to Hoth where they blockaded the planet. Many means of transport from the Alliance fleet were used to evacuate personnel and equipment from Echo Base. GR-75 medium transports were escorted by X-wings under the cover of the Alliance's V-150 Planet Defender, many of them being destroyed trying to pass the blockade. On the ground, the T-47 airspeeders of Rogue Squadron and Corona Squadronfought off the All Terrain Armored Transports of Blizzard Force. Although the battle was a loss for the Rebellion, a significant portion of the Rebels managed to flee Hoth.[14]


Fleeing into the Outer RimEdit

Following the loss at Hoth, the rebel fleet utilized the scatter protocol, splitting the fleet into small fragments spread out across the galaxy in an effort to deny the Empire a swift propaganda victory like it had on Hoth, as well as overextending the Imperial Navy in its effort to engage the rebellion. A new rebel base was erected on the remote world of 5251977 where various rebel ships would be stationed.[15] Unlike the previous bold encounters following the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Fleet now waged a war of survival.[47]

Two rebel ships, the CR90 corvette Thunderstrike and its escort the Braha'tok-class gunshipApailana's Promise, started attacking Imperial holdouts in the Mid Rim after realising that the Imperial Navy's numbers there had dwindled to support the hunt for rebels in the Outer Rim. With the help of the soldiers of Twilight Company, the two vessels devastated many production lines in that area drawing out forces from Kuat. They would've engaged the Kuat Drive Yards if the Thunderstrike wasn't lost at Sullust.[48]

Assembling near SullustEdit

'What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust?'
―Darth Vader, to Emperor Sheev Palpatine[src]

After a high-stakes meeting on the Outer Rim world of Zastiga, where numerous members of the Alliance learned of the existence and location of the second Death Star. Prior to their attack, the fleet gathered over the planet Sullust[47] which Twilight Company had liberated.[48] Knowing that their failure to immediately destroy the Empire's dreaded battle station would spell doom for the entire revolutionary movement.[47] Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian joined the fleet here after rescuing Han Solo from Tatooine, where they were soon joined by Luke Skywalker after he returned from Dagobah.[3]

Battle of EndorEdit

'Move the fleet away from the Death Star.'
―Admiral Gial Ackbar — Listen(file info)[src]

Before the fleet could attack the Death Star, a small strike team of Rebel Commandos had to take out the shield operating from the Forest moon of Endor. However, the team's attempt was thwarted by a trap set by the Imperials at the base. The Alliance Fleet arrived at Endor and the squadrons of starfighters moved in to attack the Death Star. Led by General Lando Calrissian on the Millennium Falcon, the many squadrons consisted of X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings and B-wings But before the mass of starfighters could get to the Death Star, Lando discovered the shield was still up and the whole fleet was forced to turn around before they collided with it.[3]

The Alliance fleet was then met by a fleet of Imperial-class Star Destroyers led by the Super Star Destroyer Executor. The Imperial TIEs engaged the rebel fighters and a battle broke out around the rebel fleet. The larger capital ships of the Imperial fleet stayed dormant under orders of the Emperor himself. That was when the second Death Star's operational superlaser began firing on the Alliance Fleet, annihilating the MC80 Star CruisersLiberty and Nautilian. Admiral Ackbar ordered the rebels fleet pull into close range of the Imperial fleet to keep escape the firing of the Death Star which would affect the Star Destroyers if they were too close.[3]

Despite their failed first attempt, the Endor strike team managed to capture the main base on Endor and destroy the shield generator protecting the Death Star. This meant Alliance starfighters could now enter the Death Stars Reactor shaft and fly towards the Reactor. Lando led the remaining starfighters of Red and Gold Squadron to enter the reactor shaft. They entered the shaft where they found themselves intercepted by Imperial starfighters who shot down the X-wing flown by Keir Santage. Lando ordered the group to split up to draw Imperial TIEs out away from the Millennium Falcon. Lando and Red Leader Wedge Antilles continued towards the reactor whilst the rest of the group, including Gold NineNorra Wexley, drew other TIEs out of the Death Star down an alternative shaft.[3]

Meanwhile, the Executor was taking heavy fire from rebel ships and multiple A-wings had hit a devastating blow to their shields. Green LeaderArvel Crynyd's A-wing was damaged by turret fire and crashed into the bridge of the Executor, disabling the ship and sending it falling into the Death Star. Lando and Wedge arrived at the reactor and detonated it, bringing down the second Death Star from the inside out. Despite heavy losses, the Alliance fleet was victorious and the Emperor was killed in the battle.[3]


After the battle, the New Republic was established by leaders of the Alliance, and the Alliance Fleet was reorganized into the New Republic Defense Fleet.[19]


The fleet and its activities were overseen by Alliance High Command, who managed the logistical and strategic matters of the Rebellion's efforts against the dominant Galactic Empire, with Ackbar serving as Admiral of the Fleet. As an all-volunteer military, recruits could come and go as they pleased without reporting it to their superiors. Such practice, however, was frowned upon, while members would often stay with the fleet owing to a sense of camaraderie and impracticality of returning to their home systems, which were often under Imperial control.[15] With the Fleet constantly moving, it could take weeks for a separated pilot to rejoin their squadron, owing in part to the scatter protocol for rebel pilots, which established a practice of randomly choosing a path to various worlds throughout hyperspace in order to lose any possible Imperial pursuit.[49]

Starships of the Alliance FleetEdit

Capital shipsEdit

During its history, the Alliance Fleet was equipped with various classes of capital ships.[3] The Marsheem-class heavy cruiser was a class of heavy cruiser utilized by the Ishi Tib after they joined the Rebel Alliance.[50] Various Star Cruisers[51] composed the Alliance Fleet, including MC75 star cruisers[4] and its variants, the MC75 Armored Cruiser and the MC75 Ordnance Cruiser.[52] It also included MC80A star cruisers of the MC80 Star Cruiser model,[3] as well as winged cruisers, cruisers with blunted fins, cruisers with dorsal prongs, and another type of winged cruisers.[7] The Alliance Fleet also utilized at least one Lucrehulk-class Battleship.[53]

A Star Destroyer of the Imperial I-class was stolen by Rebel Alliance forces and briefly served in the Alliance Fleet.[54] The Rebel Alliance naval forces also utilized carriers such as Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers,[16] and several types of frigates such as DP20 Frigates[55]EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates[14] and modified Pelta-class frigates.[2] The fleet also maintained modified Pelta-class Assault Ships[56] and modified Pelta-class Command Ships.[56] The fleet also used two other type of starships.[10][57]

Smaller craftEdit

The Alliance Fleet maintained an assortment of smaller craft such as corvettes[2] and freighters.[58] Examples of corvettes used included CR70 corvettes,[2] CR90 corvettes,[59] And two variants of the Sphyrna-class corvette,[4] the Hammerhead Scout Corvettes,[60] and Hammerhead Torpedo Corvettes.[60]

The Alliance Fleet also had in its possession an arsenal of gunships and troop transports.[2]Braha'tok-class gunships were used,[48] as were modified CR-20 troop carriers, LAAT/is,[58]X4 Gunships of the X4 line,[2] and UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft.[61]

Freighters and transportsEdit

The Alliance Fleet maintained a variety of transports, including CR25 troop carriers, E-9 Explorers[58]EE-730s,[62] and GR-75 medium transports[14] including GR-75 Combat Retrofits.[63] The various freighter classes that were part of the Alliance Fleet included HWK-290 freighters,[58] modified VCX-100 light freighters,[4]YT-450s[2] a modified YT-1300 light freighter,[14]YT-1760 Small Transports[64] and modified YT-2400 light freighters.[58]


Multiple shuttle classes were used by the Alliance Fleet. E-50 Landseers saw use by the fleet,[58] as well as Taylander shuttles,[55]Sheathipede-class transport shuttles,[8] and various stolen Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttles.[3]

Space stationsEdit

The Alliance Fleet had in its possession at least two space stations, which were the Mako-Ta Space Docks[13] and stardocks located in the Telaris system.[2]


The starfighters and craft of the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps, under the auspices of the Alliance Fleet, were of various types and classes. Various models X-wing starfighter were used, including T-65B X-wing starfighters,[6]T-65B X-wing starfighter Exterior Variant /1s, T-65B X-wing starfighter Exterior Variant /2s,[2]T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighters,[5] and Patrol X-wings.[2] In addition to X-wing starfighters,[3] A-wing starfighters were utilized, specifically RZ-1 A-wing interceptors,[3]RZ-1T trainers,[65] and R-22 Spearheads.[51] Other starfighters included ARC-170 starfighters,[66]Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors,[2] Fang fighters, Z-95 Headhunters,[58]Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings,[2]VCX-series auxiliary starfighters,[67] and Kom'rk-class fighters.[65]

For bombers and heavier craft, the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps used A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters,[68]H-60 Tempest bombers,[69] BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers,[38] and BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighters.[49] The fleet also used light T-47 airspeeders.[14]


  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Han Solo - From Smuggler to General'
  • Leia, Princess of Alderaan webcomic(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'Secret Cargo'
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'Zero Hour'
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'In the Name of the Rebellion'
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'The Occupation' (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'Crawler Commandeers' (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'Rebel Assault'
  • Star Wars Rebels – 'Jedi Night' (Mentioned only)
  • 'Tales from Wild Space: Adventures in Wookiee-Sitting'—Star Wars Adventures 3
  • 'Stolen Valor'—Age of Rebellion Special 1
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Darth Vader - Power of the Dark Side'
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization(First identified as Rebel Alliance Navy)
  • 'Raymus'—From a Certain Point of View
  • Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope(First appearance)
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'R2-D2 - A Loyal Droid'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Han Solo – Taking Flight for his Friends'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Luke vs. the Death Star - X-wing Assault'
  • 'The Bucket'—From a Certain Point of View
  • 'Laina'—From a Certain Point of View
  • 'An Incident Report'—From a Certain Point of View(Indirect mention only)
  • 'Sparks'—From a Certain Point of View
  • 'Duty Roster'—From a Certain Point of View
  • 'Desert Son'—From a Certain Point of View
  • 'Grounded'—From a Certain Point of View
  • 'The Angle'—From a Certain Point of View(Appears in hologram)
  • 'Tales from Wild Space: The Flat Mountain of Yavin'—Star Wars Adventures 2
  • 'Swoop Racers'—Star Wars Adventures 21
  • 'The Lost Eggs of Livorno'—Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018
  • Star Wars 1: Skywalker Strikes(Mentioned only)
  • Darth Vader 1: Vader(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Darth Vader 6: Vader, Part VI(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Star Wars 8: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon, Part I(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars 10: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon, Part III(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars 11: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon, Part IV(Mentioned only; in the opening crawl)
  • Star Wars 12: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon, Part V(Mentioned only; in the opening crawl)
  • Star Wars 13: Vader Down, Part III(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars 18: Rebel Jail, Part III(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars 33: Rebels in the Wild(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars 37: Imperial Pride(Mentioned only)
  • 'Shu-Torun Lives'—Star Wars 50: Hope Dies, Part I(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars 43: The Ashes of Jedha, Part VI(Indirect mention only)
  • Star Wars 48: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part V(Mentioned only)
  • 'The Trial of Dagobah'—Age of Rebellion Special 1
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Luke vs. the Wampa - Cavern Escape'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Luke vs. Imperial Walkers - Commander on Hoth'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Yoda – The Jedi Master'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Boba Fett - The Bounty Hunter'
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader – Join Me'
  • Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia 1(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi(First identified as Rebel fleet)
  • Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – 'Luke vs. Emperor Palpatine - Rise to Evil'
  • Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – 'An Imperial Feast'
  • 'Blade Squadron'—Star Wars Insider 149–150
  • 'The Levers of Power'—The Rise of the Empire
  • 'Blade Squadron: Zero Hour'—Star Wars Insider 160
  • Alphabet Squadron(Mentioned only)
  • Aftermath(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Bloodline(Mentioned only)
  • Before the Awakening(Indirect mention only)
  • 'Flight of the Falcon, Part 3: Home Again'—Star Wars Adventures 16(Appears in flashback(s))

Non-canon appearancesEdit

  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Return of the Kyber Saber'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'A New Home'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Home One'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Thrown Into Battle'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Rowan's Secret Adventure'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Zander Freemaker, Superstar Pilot Guy!'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Beware, the Gamorrean Flu!'
  • LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars – 'It Gets Ugly'
  • LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars – 'The Good Stuff!'
  • LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars – 'The Prisoner of Tatooine'
  • LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars – 'The Droid Rescue Gambit' (Appears in flashback(s))
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Trouble on Tibalt'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'The Tower of Aliston Nor'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'The Storms of Taul'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Return to the Wheel'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'The Lost Crystals of Qalydon'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'The Pit and the Pinnacle'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Flight of the Arrowhead'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'A Perilous Rescue'
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – 'Return of the Return of the Jedi'
  • LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales – 'Exit from Endor'
  • LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales – 'Flight of the Falcon'
  • LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales – 'Gambit on Geonosis'


  • Ackbar in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)
  • B-wing fighter in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)
  • Mon Calamari in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)
  • Rebel Alliance in the Encyclopedia(link now obsolete; backup link)
  • Fleet Forces: The Significance of Rebel ships in the Original Trilogy on (backup link)
  • 5 Rebel pilots You Should Know on (backup link)(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide(First identified as Rebel Alliance Fleet)
  • Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Dossier(First identified as Rebel Navy)
  • The Star Wars Rebels Easter Eggs and Connections in Rogue One on (backup link)
  • Star Wars Rebels Season Three Mid Season Trailer Official on (backup link)
  • Secret Cargo Episode Guide on (backup link)
  • Showdown with Thrawn - Zero Hour Preview Star Wars Rebels on the official Star WarsYouTube channel
  • Zero Hour Episode Guide on (backup link)
  • 8 Highlights from the Star Wars Rebels Season Four Trailer on (backup link)
  • Star Wars: Armada – Hammerhead Corvettes Expansion Pack(Card: Garel's Honor)
  • Star Wars: Armada – Profundity Expansion Pack(Card: Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet)
  • Star Wars: Armada – Rebel Transports Expansion Pack
  • Knights of Fate(First identified as Alliance Navy)
  • Admiral Ackbar in the Databank(backup link)
  • Admiral Raddus in the Databank(backup link)
  • B-wing Fighter in the Databank(backup link)
  • Lando Calrissian in the Databank(backup link)
  • Dismantler Droid in the Databank(backup link)
  • Home One in the Databank(backup link)
  • Mon Calamari in the Databank(backup link)
  • Nien Nunb in the Databank(backup link)
  • Quasar-Fire-Class-Cruiser-Carrier in the Databank(backup link)
  • Rebel Alliance in the Databank(backup link)
  • TIE interceptor in the Databank(backup link)

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization
  2. Wars: The Rebel Files
  3. Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
  4. One: A Star Wars Story
  5. Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  6. Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
  7. Wars 50: Hope Dies, Part I
  8. Wars Rebels – 'Zero Hour'
  9. Star Wars: Armada – Profundity Expansion Pack(Card: Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet)
  10. Wars 49: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part VI
  11. Star Wars: Armada – Hammerhead Corvettes Expansion Pack(Card: Task Force Antilles)
  12. Star Wars: Armada – Hammerhead Corvettes Expansion Pack(Card: Task Force Organa)
  13. 13.013.1Star Wars 44: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part I
  14. Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
  15. Stars
  16. Wars Rebels – 'Secret Cargo'
  17. Dawn of Rebellion
  18. Rebel Alliance in the Databank(backup link)
  19. 19.019.1Aftermath
  20. 20.020.1Star Wars Rebels – 'Fire Across the Galaxy'
  21. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  22. Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal
  23. Star Wars Rebels – 'Relics of the Old Republic'
  24. Star Wars Rebels – 'Wings of the Master'
  25. Star Wars Rebels – 'Legacy'
  26. Star Wars Rebels – 'A Princess on Lothal'
  27. Star Wars Rebels – 'The Protector of Concord Dawn'
  28. Star Wars Rebels – 'Homecoming'
  29. Star Wars Rebels – 'The Forgotten Droid'
  30. Star Wars Rebels – 'The Mystery of Chopper Base'
  31. Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
  32. Star Wars Rebels – 'Iron Squadron'
  33. Princess Leia, Part I
  34. Heir to the Jedi
  35. Star Wars 4: Skywalker Strikes, Part IV
  36. Vader Down, Part I
  37. Darth Vader 13: Vader Down, Part II
  38. 38.038.1Darth Vader 14: Vader Down, Part IV
  39. Star Wars 51: Hope Dies, Part II
  40. Star Wars 52: Hope Dies, Part III
  41. Star Wars 53: Hope Dies, Part IV
  42. Star Wars 54: Hope Dies, Part V
  43. Star Wars 55: Hope Dies, Part VI
  44. Star Wars 56: The Escape, Part I
  45. Star Wars 60: The Escape, Part V
  46. Star Wars 61: The Escape, Part VI
  47. Target: A Princess Leia Adventure
  48. Twilight Company
  49. 49.049.1The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure
  50. 'The Trouble at Tibrin, Part II'—Star Wars Adventures 5
  51. 51.051.1Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections
  52. Star Wars: Armada – Profundity Expansion Pack(Card: Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet)
  53. Doctor Aphra 17: Remastered, Part IV
  54. Star Wars 22: The Last Flight of the Harbinger, Part II
  55. 55.055.1Star Wars 23: The Last Flight of the Harbinger, Part III
  56. 56.056.1Star Wars: Armada – Phoenix Home Expansion Pack
  57. Star Wars: Armada – The Corellian Conflict Campaign Expansion
  58. Wars: Commander
  59. 'The Levers of Power'—The Rise of the Empire
  60. 60.060.1Star Wars: Armada – Hammerhead Corvettes Expansion Pack
  61. U-wing in the Databank(backup link)
  62. Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure
  63. Star Wars: Armada – Rebel Transports Expansion Pack
  64. Tales from Vader's Castle 1: The Haunting of the Ghost
  65. 65.065.1Star Wars Rebels – 'Twin Suns'
  66. ARC-170 Expansion Pack
  67. Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – 'Chopper and Friends'
  68. 'Blade Squadron'—Star Wars Insider 149–150
  69. Star Wars: Complete Locations
Star Wars
Sub‑themesThe Old Republic
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
The Clone Wars
Revenge of the Sith
The Force Unleashed
The Force Awakens
Rogue One
The Last Jedi
SubjectStar Wars
Licensed fromLucasfilm
Total sets700+
Official website

Lego Star Wars is a Legotheme that incorporates the Star Wars saga. Originally it was only licensed from 1999–2008, but the Lego Group extended the license with Lucasfilm Ltd. multiple times: first until 2011, then until 2016, then again until 2022.

The brand has spawned six video game releases, developed by Traveller's Tales — Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (2005), Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006), Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007), Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (2011) Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2016) and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2020). Many short films and miniseries have also been produced.

  • 1LEGO Sets
  • 3Films and videos

LEGO Sets[edit]

The package for Darth Vader's TIE fighter.

The first Lego Star Wars, released in 1999, included model 7140, the first Lego X-wing. Star Wars was the first intellectual property to be licensed in Lego Group history.[1] The first few sets based on the original trilogy were released in 1999, coinciding with the release of The Phantom Menace. Sets based on the prequel trilogy (Episodes 1 to 3) of Star Wars would follow, starting with Episode I. As each new film in the prequel trilogy neared its release date, Lego issued new models of ships and scenes in those films, as well as additional sets from the original trilogy. Lego also produced models based on The Clone Wars, which was released early in 2008.[2] Sets based on Star Wars Rebels, The Force Awakens, Battlefront, Rogue One, Solo, The Last Jedi, and Star Wars Resistance have also been produced.

Ultimate Collector Series (UCS)[edit]

In addition to the regular minifigure-scale sets, Lego has released several sets (approximately 26) for the Ultimate Collector Series. These models are often considerably larger, more detailed, and meant more for display purposes than other sets. They often cost more than regular Lego sets as well. Many of them include an information plaque and often a display stand. The largest of these is 75192, the 2017 UCS version of the Millennium Falcon, complete with ten minifigures. At 7541 pieces, it is the largest Star Wars Lego set ever released; and the largest set of any collection ever commercially released. The newest Ultimate Collector Series set is the 75181 Y-wing Starfighter, released in 2018.[3] On June 5, 2015 an unopened box of the older 2007 Millennium Falcon Lego set was auctioned at online auction house Catawiki for 5,000 euros (5556.5 USD at the time) making it the most expensive LEGO set ever.


Most characters from the Star Wars universe have materialized in Lego minifigure form by now. The minifigure with the first code, i.e. sw0001, is a tan battle droid that appeared in The Phantom Menace.[4] Some minifigures repeatedly appear across multiple Lego sets, while others can be very rare, vastly increasing their resale value. In 2019, the number of Lego Star Wars minifigures has surpassed 1000, with the Battlefront II protagonist Iden Versio bearing code sw1000.[5]

Video games[edit]

There have been five Lego Star Wars video games:

  • Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (2005) – (Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 2, Xbox) – Based on the Star Wars prequel trilogy, first released on 29 March 2005.
  • Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006) – (Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo DS, OS X, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Xbox, Xbox 360) – Based on the Star Wars original trilogy, first released on 12 September 2006.
    • Lego Star Wars II Mobile (J2ME) – Mobile phone adaption of Lego Star Wars II, first released on 19 December 2006.
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007) which combined Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy into a single game. While also upgrading the first game from the PS2 and Original Xbox generation, to the Xbox 360 and PS3 generation.
  • Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (2011) – (Microsoft Windows, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox 360) – Based on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and animated series, first released on 22 March 2011.
  • Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2016) – (iOS, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo 3DS, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One) – Based on the Star Wars: The Force Awakens film, first released on 28 June 2016.
  • Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2020) - (Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - Based on all nine films of the main Star Wars saga, including Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. To be released in 2020.

Traveller's Tales president Jon Burton stated in a July 2008 interview with Variety that the series had collectively sold 15 million copies.[6] As of February 13, 2009, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game has sold over 6.8 million copies worldwide, Lego Star Wars II has sold over 8.3 million, The Complete Saga has sold over 4.1 million, and the three combined have sold over 21 million.[7] In May 2009, Wired reported combined sales of 20 million.[8]

Films and videos[edit]

Lego Star Wars characters cameo in The Lego Movie (2014), additionally several films and videos based on Lego Star Wars have been produced.

Short films[edit]

  • Lego Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick is the first computer-animated Lego Star Wars short film. It premiered on Cartoon Network in mid-2005, in conjunction with the theatrical release of Revenge of the Sith.[9]
  • Lego Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 is a short movie which aired on Cartoon Network in August 2009, and was uploaded to the Lego Star Wars website, in order to celebrate 10 years of Lego Star Wars,[10][11]
  • Lego Star Wars: Bombad Bounty, is another CGI Lego short film, it was released in 2010. In it Vader hires Boba Fett to track down the Gungan Jar Jar Binks for an accident he caused to Vader. The film also takes place at the same time as the original movies showing that Jar Jar was responsible for the destruction of the first Death Star and was with Boba Fett on Jabba's Barge during the events of Return of the Jedi.

Television specials[edit]

  • Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace released on July 7, 2011, is a 30-minute, exclusive TV special written by Michael Price is about a Jedi Academy field trip.[12] When Master Yoda leads a group of rambunctious Jedi younglings through Senate chambers when he senses a disturbance in the Force. Summoned to help save the Republic, he discovers that a young boy pretending to be a Jedi youngling secretly boarded his ship... and has a taste for adventure. Meanwhile, C-3PO and R2-D2 are put in charge of the boisterous group and find themselves in over their heads. Yoda and the droids proceed to save the younglings from Sith Lords as well as the vile Jabba the Hutt. The special premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network on July 22, 2011, at 7 p.m. and in the United Kingdom on October 17 at 5:30. The DVD and Blu-ray include several special features such as The Quest for R2-D2 and Bombad Bounty as well as other short films.
  • Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out released on September 26, 2012, airing on Cartoon Network in the United States.[13] In it, Luke Skywalker embarks on a mission to find and destroy an Imperial base on Naboo, but is relentlessly chased by a group of fanatic fangirls, who think of him as a celebrity for destroying the Death Star. Meanwhile, Darth Vader engages a 'sithling' rivalry with Darth Maul, in order to prove he's the best Sith Lord to Emperor Palpatine, who is constructing the second Death Star.

Television series[edit]

  • Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles trilogy:
    • 'The Phantom Clone', aired on May 29, 2013. General Grievous steals the lightsabers of a group of Padawans at the Jedi Training Academy, and he and Count Dooku plan to use the lightsabers' crystals to create an army of super-powered Sith clones on Kamino. Yoda and Mace Windu embark on a quest to stop them. Meanwhile, the Padawans try to retrieve their lightsabers, much to C-3PO's concern.
    • 'Menace of the Sith' , aired on September 4, 2013. The only surviving Sith clone, Jek-14, decides not to fight for the dark side of the force and wants to be left alone to build in peace, but both the Jedi and the Sith want him on their side, with the latter planning to use him to clone an evil army. Meanwhile, C-3PO quits being the substitute teacher for the Padawans, and the Jedi Council hires Anakin Skywalker as his replacement.
    • 'Attack of the Jedi', aired on November 27, 2013. After the Sith's plan to create Sith clones has failed, they start teaching a group of evil padawans on the planet Mustafar. When the Jedi get a tip of this, they head there to stop them, but when they reach complications, they must persuade Jek-14 to help them, despite him not wanting to fight for either side of the Force. Meanwhile, Darth Sidious tries to meet up with the evil padawans, but has trouble getting away from C-3PO. The series continued to a second season with four episodes airing in 2014 but now without 'Lego' in the title to avoid legal disputes over ownership between Disney and Cartoon Network.
  • Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales aired on Disney XD between July and November 2015, as a 5-part animated mini-series. The series serves as a comedic re-telling of the first six Star Wars films from C-3PO's point of view.[14]
  • Lego Star Wars: The Resistance Rises aired on Disney XD between February and May 2016, as a 5-part animated mini-series. The series serves as a comedic prequel to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures aired on Disney XD. It was announced by Disney on February 17, 2016, as a new Lego animated series. Set between Episode V and Episode VI, it tells the story of the Freemakers, a family of scavengers that find themselves pulled into the conflict between the Rebels and the Empire.
  • Lego Star Wars: All-Stars premiered on Disney XD on October 29, 2018. Set across all eras, it begins with eight short films and be followed by five half-hour episodes.


  1. ^'Lego gets Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit licence'. Metro.
  2. ^'Lego Star Wars'. Retrieved 23 September 2013.
  3. ^'75181-1: Y-wing Starfighter'. Retrieved 4 June 2019.
  4. ^'sw0001a: Battle Droid Tan with Back Plate'. Retrieved 4 June 2019.
  5. ^'sw1000: Iden Versio (Inferno Squad Commander)'. Retrieved 4 June 2019.
  6. ^Orry, James (8 July 2008). 'LEGO Star Wars has sold 15 million units'. Retrieved 10 February 2010.
  7. ^'Lego Group Celebrates 10 Years of the Force'. PR Newswire. February 13, 2009. Archived from the original on May 31, 2009. Retrieved July 20, 2009.
  8. ^'Lego and Star Wars Celebrate 10 Years Together!'. Wired. 2 May 2009. Retrieved 18 February 2010.
  9. ^'Lego Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick'. 8 May 2005 – via IMDb.
  10. ^ Lego Star Wars Celebrates 10 Years with ‘The Quest for R2-D2’[dead link]
  11. ^Media Freaks - The Animation Business Blog: The Quest for R2-D2 - Lego Star Wars Celebrates Ten YearsArchived 2009-09-02 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^'Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace'. 22 July 2011 – via IMDb.
  13. ^'Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out'. 26 September 2012 – via IMDb.
  14. ^Link Voxx. 'Star Wars Episode 7 News - New LEGO Star Wars Mini-Series Retelling the Whole Saga Coming to DisneyXD'. Star Wars Episode 7 News. Archived from the original on 2015-08-19. Retrieved 2016-01-15.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lego Star Wars.
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