Fallout New Vegas Vault Girl

Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Vault 3
Map MarkerVault 3
Part ofSouth Vegas ruins
External Association Committee (formerly)
Isolationists (formerly)
QuestsStill in the Dark
Aba Daba Honeymoon
Bounty Killer
I Love Bananas
Cell NameVault3a (recreation area)
Vault3b (living quarters)
Vault3c (maintenance wing)
ref id000ec3a2 (Recreation Area)
000ed511 (Living Quarters)
000edc47 (Maint. Wing)
TerminalsVault 3 terminals

That vault is a hornet's nest.

A Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod that greatly improves the user interface without compromising the original style. Adjusts BigCman’s Vault Girl (AKA “Vault Meat”) paperdoll on the PipBoy and the HUD.

— Colonel James Hsu

Vault 3 is one of the Vaults constructed by the Vault-Tec Corporation in the Mojave Wasteland. It was constructed in the south-western part of Las Vegas, on the outskirts of the city's industrial sector. Save for some flooding in the lower levels, the Vault is still in remarkable condition in 2281. It is occupied by the Fiends, who killed all of the Vault's original occupants.[1][2] The Fiends use Vault 3 as a secure fortress and drug den.[3]

  • 2Layout
  • 3Inhabitants
  • 4Notable loot

Background[editedit source]

Vault 3 is one of the four Vaults in the Mojave that contain living human inhabitants, the others being Vault 19, Vault 21, and Vault 34. Nestled within the South Vegas ruins, Vault 3 was one of the seventeen control Vaults, resulting in it not having an experiment.[4] All was going well in the Vault well until a water leak occurred sometime in the 23rd century, forcing the residents to open the Vault to find help. The original Vault 3 inhabitants opened their doors and began to trade with people outside of the Vault. For a couple of weeks, it went well and the inhabitants made a good living. However, this also brought the Vault to the attention of the Fiends.[5]

Exploiting the Vault dwellers' naivety and lack of security, the Fiends successfully conned themselves into the Vault, upon which they killed every single inhabitant and claimed the Vault for themselves.[1] Using the vault as an impenetrable base of operations, the Fiends have grown steadily stronger since, becoming a serious threat to the people living on the outskirts of southwestern New Vegas as well as a constant nuisance to the New California Republic Army command stationed at Camp McCarran.[6]

In many ways, Vault 3 was the ideal post-apocalyptic community. The Vault's isolation didn't affect the residents for generations, they maintained an orderly, democratic society, and, unlike other Vaults (in particular Vault 101), the overseer wasn't a dictator or megalomaniac.

Layout[editedit source]

Inside, the entrance is guarded by a female Fiend, who will question you about what you are doing there. If one enters using a Speech check (64) or wearing Great Khan armor, they are able to navigate the Vault without being attacked. Many of the Vault's walls are covered with graffiti, presumably done by the occupying Fiends.

Recreation area[editedit source]

Vault 3 seems to have a much larger recreational area than other vaults. The recreation area includes pool tables, a room with a holotape projector, and several storage rooms. Within the recreation area, there is a locked door leading to the maintenance wing.

Living quarters[editedit source]

On the main floor of the living quarters there is a cage holding three captives: Rick Lancer, Rachael and Dennis. The cage also holds the body of the fourth captive, Carter, who managed to escape to search the Vault for weapons before being caught and subsequently killed. Daniel, the Fiend who holds the key to the cage, can be found in one of the southernmost rooms of the living quarters (see the unmarked quest I Love Bananas). Alternatively, the cage door can be picked without karma loss, and no Fiends will become hostile.

Two of the rooms in the living quarters each have a deceased Fiend on a bed, surrounded by empty syringes, Jet, and Psycho. In the southern section of the living quarters is a bedroom containing a terminal with a user named 'Billy boy' and a function called 'Compose Automated Blast Message'. However, activating the function does nothing, stating that the system is offline.

The overseer's area can be accessed either through a locked door in front of you as you enter the area, or through a locked door in the atrium.

Fallout New Vegas Vault Girl Photo

The flooded areas are long and difficult to swim through with enough time to return for air before taking drowning damage. It is strongly recommended to have the rebreather equipped when swimming through to loot these areas.

Maintenance wing[editedit source]

Motor-Runner, the leader of the Fiends, can be found in his throne room in the northernmost part of the maintenance wing along with his two guard dogs, BoneGnash and GhashBone. The maintenance wing contains two storage rooms that can be accessed either by picking the locks or hacking the terminals next to the doors.

Inhabitants[editedit source]

Previous Vault dwellers[editedit source]

Notable loot[editedit source]

Fallout New Vegas Vault Girl Mod

If the Fiends are non-hostile, looting will not make them hostile, nor will it cost karma.

Recreation area[editedit source]

  • A Today's Physician in the southern part of the recreation area's second floor, behind a locked door (hard). In the room you can also find 2 doctor's bags, 3 RadAway and 2 Fixer.
  • In the middle of the recreation area is a room with Sunset Sarsaparilla and Nuka-Cola vending machines and a pool table covered in Med-X and stimpaks.
  • Behind a very easy locked door connected to the main part of the recreation area is a room with a Nuka-Cola Quartz, Nuka-Cola Victory, several Nuka-Cola's, 20-30 pool cues and various other loot.
  • Nine bobby pins can be found in the cafeteria at the south door. This probably suggest the Fiends were trying to get the door open since it's locked (easy). There are also medical supplies lying around. Behind the door are more medical supplies, some fresh food and an atomic cocktail in one of the refrigerators.
  • 96 5.56mm rounds on a table in the room with Bryce Anders. Some frag mines may be found in an ammunition box near the door.

Living quarters[editedit source]

  • A Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual on the bookshelf, in the large, carpeted bedroom behind an average terminal locked door immediately opposite the entrance to the living quarters from the recreation area. The book is on a shelf immediately to the right as you enter. Also in this room are three magazine: Locksmith's Reader, Meeting People and Today's Physician on a bedside nightstand.
  • A number of Vault 3 utility jumpsuits (Lockpick +5, Repair +5) can be found here as well, in lockers throughout the south side of the living quarters right before the flooded area.
  • A Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap on desk in a room next to a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla in a south room of the living quarters one floor up from the flooded area. It's in the room across the hall from the room with a terminal that says 'Hello Billy boy!' when you open it. A Vault 3 utility jumpsuit is also in the locker here, and a Locksmith's Reader on the bed.
  • 3 magazines - Fixin' Things, Locksmith's Reader and Milsurp Review - in the living quarters' flooded area in the southwest. Also in this room: the two gun lockers mentioned on the overseer's terminal.
  • A Locksmith's Reader is in the southeast flooded section in the shelf.
  • The overseer's office has a hunting rifle mounted by the observation window.
  • A pair of binoculars on the shelf next to the observation window in the overseer's office.

Maintenance wing[editedit source]

  • A chainsaw carried by Motor-Runner.
  • Behind the average locked door (with terminal) to your left as you enter the maintenance wing, a Locksmith's Reader on the desk along with other stuff and four Vault 3 utility jumpsuits.
  • The Reverse Pulse Cleaner for the Brotherhood of Steel quest Still in the Dark can be found in a locker inside Motor-Runner's throne room.

Related quests[editedit source]

Notes[editedit source]

  • If you stand outside of the Vault door with Veronica Santangelo as a companion, it triggers a point for her companion quest.
  • If you enter the cafeteria area of this Vault with Lily Bowen, she will comment about herself when she was a small girl and will reminisce about her first kiss.[7]
  • If you kill Motor-Runner before finding the Ranger Bryce Anders, you will meet him back at Camp McCarran. The dialogue will be the same as if you had met him in the vault.

Appearances[editedit source]

Vault 3 appears in only Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[editedit source]

  • Vault 3 was designed by Akil Hooper.
  • One of the rooms in the vault contains graffiti of the name 'Germaine' crossed out with the name 'Bret' written above. This may be a reference to the musical comedy act 'The Flight of Conchords', whose band members' names are Bret and Jemaine.
  • Vault 3 is likely an allusion to Vault 13. Both are indefinitely-sealed vaults that find themselves confronted by a malfunction of the vault water system. Water rationing is implemented, and, because no replacement parts are available, the vault dwellers choose to open the door and engage with the outside world for the first time. Where the two narrative diverge is that, whereas Vault 13's overseer acts with an excess of caution in engaging the outside world (much to the chagrin of Vault 13's dissidents), Vault 3's overseer acts with an excess of recklessness (again, over the objections of Vault 3's dissidents). In this way, Vault 3 functions to demonstrate how things in Fallout might have been, had things gone just a bit differently. The emotional force of this demonstration is enhanced by the Vault Dweller's conviction (likely shared by the player), that Vault 13's overseer was too cautious: an assessment that the downfall of Vault 3 calls into question.
Spare Us the Cutter
  • There is a cut Wild Wasteland Encounter where Motorrunner's dogs would have their names changed to 'Donnie' and 'Marie' (as in Osmond).
  • There is a half finished dialogue topic for the Jailer character where the player can say to him they are lost. In the final game this is just turned into a non-interactive greeting topic where the jailer TELLS the player they are lost.
  • There are a huge number of email notes cut from here that form a whole backstory for the unfortunate original occupants of the vault (e.g. V03GeorgeEmail1 etc).

Bugs[editedit source]

  • PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 When entering the Vault the Fiend will talk to you. If you pass the speech check or are wearing Great Khan clothing, she will tell the other fiends not to attack. Regardless of that happening (even on previous visits) the Fiends may still randomly become hostile and attack. This appears to be due to the companion code still highlighting some Fiends as enemies, and happens even if you tell them to wait outside the vault. Instead, send them back to the Lucky 38 and go on completely alone. Note that killing the attacking Fiends in the vault does not always cause other fiends to attack you. Usually, the Fiends in the entrance room of the vault will never attack if you passed the speech check and you don't attack them. Motor-Runner will also never become hostile unless you attack him.
  • PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360 The entry on the Overseer's terminal that unlocks the two submerged storerooms doesn't always work, and sometimes leaves both doors locked with a Hard lock.
  • PCXbox 360 Sometimes, while in the Maintenance Wing, if you simply walk into the main corridor, the game will crash.
  • PC If you pass the speech check to enter Vault 3 and immediately go to talk to Motor-Runner, sometimes if you go to look for Bryce Anders afterwards, he will not be there and the secret door will be open. If you return to Capt. Curtis he will talk to the player as if Anders had been rescued.
  • Xbox 360 Merely entering Vault 3 may corrupt your save and not allow you to load any save created within the vault or after exiting the vault. This problem does not occur if you are connected to Live, and is resolved by connecting to Live.
  • Xbox 360 If you go to the jail cells, look in the cell, and press 'sit bench' you will appear inside the locked cell. To get out either pick the lock or do the same thing on the bench outside the cell.
  • Xbox 360 If you enter the vault peacefully and attack the Fiends in the Living Quarters near Daniel and the other prisoners before freeing them, the game will freeze three to five seconds after combat started.
  • Sometimes talking to Motor-Runner for the first time it will allow you to go to dialogue with him, but on subsequent attempts he will act like any of the normal fiends and this will render several quests unable to be finished.

Gallery[editedit source]

  • Recreation area

  • Living quarters

  • Maintenance wing

  • Vault 3 graffitti


  1. 1.01.1The Courier: 'Can you tell me what happened to the residents here?'
    Motor-Runner: 'I guess it isn't a secret. Yeah, the residents of the Vault are all dead. We killed them. Funny thing is, they just let us in. We didn't have to force the doors or anything.
    (Motor-Runner's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: 'What can you tell me about what happened here?'
    Bryce Anders: 'The Fiends killed everyone living here, and now they are squatting in their home.'
    (Bryce Anders' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: 'What is this place?'
    Bryce Anders: 'This was Vault 3, but I'm sure you can tell that by all the 3s all over the damn place. Now it is a drug den for the goddamn Fiends.'
    (Bryce Anders' dialogue)
  4. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.316-318: '[2.24] Vault 3
    Vault 3, which is now completely within South Vegas Ruins (AKA 'Fiend Territory') was once an ordinary, happy vault. It wasn't built above a sulfur cave, or to feature Vault-Tec 'experiments' that could drive dwellers mad. In fact, the place was functioning normally until a slight water leak turned the lower chambers soggy and forced the inhabitants out to the surface, in search of humanity on the topside. Instead, they met the Fiends.'
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  5. The Courier: 'What can you tell me about Vault 3?'
    Bryce Anders: 'The inhabitants of the Vault were simple traders. They made a good living for themselves for a couple weeks. Then they caught the Fiends attention. I don't think they set up any kind of security, stupid fucks. They all got themselves killed. '
    (Bryce Anders' dialogue)
  6. The Courier: 'Who are the Fiends?'
    The Courier: 'The Fiends?'
    James Hsu: ' They've set up shop in Vault 3 to the west. Every day they attack our positions and my men repel them. But every day there's more of them and less of us. I sent one of my rangers after their leader to try and destabilize them. He didn't return. Hell of a thing, losing a ranger. You come to depend on them. And they come through for you so often, you forget it can happen.'
    The Courier: 'I'll go to Vault 3 and see if I can find your ranger.'
    James Hsu: 'That Vault is a hornet's nest. If you have second thoughts, no one would think less of you for it. But if you can get him home, it'd mean a lot. Watch for civilians, too. The Fiends have been kidnapping locals. They just walk right into people's homes in the middle of the day and take them. But the man you're looking for is Bryce Anders. Anders was trying to find the leader, Motor-runner. '
    (James Hsu's dialogue)
  7. Lily Bowen: 'My, my, this reminds me of when I was a girl. Right over there would have been where your and I had our first kiss!'
    (Lily Bowen's dialogue)
LocationsVault 3
CharactersBoneGnash ·Bryce Anders ·Carter ·Daniel ·Dennis ·GhashBone ·Motor-Runner ·Rachael ·Rick Lancer
QuestsSideAba Daba Honeymoon ·Still in the Dark
UnmarkedBounty Killer ·I Love Bananas
0 ·3 ·6 ·8 ·11 ·12 ·13 ·15 ·17 ·19 ·21 ·22 ·24 ·27 ·29 ·34 ·36 ·39 ·42 ·43 ·51 ·53 ·55 ·56 ·63 ·68 ·69 ·70 ·74 ·75 ·76 ·77 ·81 ·87 ·88 ·92 ·94 ·95 ·96 ·100 ·101 ·106 ·108 ·111 ·112 ·113 ·114 ·118
Burkittsville Vault ·Los Angeles Vault ·Unfinished Vault ·Secret Vault ·Vault Prototype ·Bradberton's vaultFallout Shelter120 ·177 ·199 ·314 ·333 ·404 ·525 ·730 ·813 ·840 ·899 ·909
BoomersNellis Air Force Base (Loyal's house ·Mess hall & munitions storage ·Nellis Boomer museum ·Nellis children's barracks ·Nellis medical station ·Nellis men's barracks ·Nellis schoolhouse ·Nellis women's barracks ·Nellis workshop ·Pearl's barracks) ·Nellis Hangars ·Nellis Array
Brotherhood of SteelBrotherhood of Steel Safehouse ·Hidden Valley (Hidden Valley Bunker)
Caesar's LegionCaesar's Legion Safehouse ·Cottonwood Cove (Cottonwood Cove HQ ·Cottonwood Cove mess hall ·Cottonwood Cove restroom ·Cottonwood Cove shack ·Cottonwood Cove storage) ·Legate's Camp (Legate's war tent) ·Legion Raid Camp ·Nelson (Nelson barracks ·Nelson house) ·Techatticup Mine ·The Fort (Caesar's tent ·Legion arena ·Weather monitoring station)
Crimson CaravanCrimson Caravan Company (Caravaneer barracks ·Crimson Caravan main office ·Guard barracks)
Followers of the ApocalypseFollower's Outpost ·Followers' Safehouse ·New Vegas Medical Clinic ·Old Mormon Fort
Great KhansMakeshift Great Khan Camp ·Red Rock Canyon (Great Khan longhouse) ·Red Rock Drug Lab ·Great Khan Encampment ·Great Khan supply cave
Powder GangersPowder Ganger Camp East ·Powder Ganger Camp North ·Powder Ganger Camp South ·Powder Ganger Camp West ·NCR Correctional Facility (Cell block A ·Cell block B ·NCR CF administration ·Visitors center)
New California Republic188 Trading Post ·Aerotech Office Park (Aerotech Suite 200 ·Aerotech Suite 300 ·Aerotech Tent) ·Bitter Springs ·Boulder City (Boulder City Ruins ·Boulder City Train Station ·Big Horn Saloon) ·Camp Forlorn Hope (Barracks ·Command center ·Jail ·Medical center ·Mess hall ·Shack ·Storage shed) ·Camp Golf (Camp Golf mess tent ·Camp Golf tent ·Misfits' tent ·House Resort) ·Camp Guardian (Guardian Peak ·Camp Guardian cave ·Camp Guardian caves) ·Camp McCarran (Camp McCarran Terminal building ·Camp McCarran Concourse ·Camp McCarran supply shack) ·Camp Searchlight (Searchlight Church ·Searchlight Church basement ·Searchlight elementary school ·Searchlight fire station ·Searchlight home ·Searchlight police station ·Searchlight NCR storage) ·HELIOS One ·Hoover Dam (Hoover Dam checkpoint ·Hoover Dam intake towers ·Hoover Dam offices ·Hoover Dam lower level ·Hoover Dam power plant 01 ·Hoover Dam power plant 02 ·Hoover Dam power plant 03 ·Hoover Dam power plant 04 ·Hoover Dam tower ·Hoover Dam visitor center ·Oliver's Compound) ·Mojave Outpost ·NCR Ranger Safehouse ·NCR Sharecropper Farms (Greenhouse ·Sharecropper barracks) ·Ranger Station Alpha ·Ranger Station Bravo ·Ranger Station Charlie ·Ranger Station Delta ·Ranger Station Echo ·Ranger Station Foxtrot ·Sloan · (Mess hall ·Machine shop ·Mining office ·Worker barracks)
GoodspringsGoodsprings Cave ·Goodsprings Cemetery ·Goodsprings Source ·Mitchell's house ·Goodsprings gas station ·Goodsprings general store ·Goodsprings home ·Goodsprings schoolhouse ·Prospector Saloon ·Victor's shack
JacobstownJacobstown Lodge ·Jacobstown bungalow
NiptonNipton Hall ·Nipton general store ·Nipton Hotel ·Nipton house
NovacBoone's room ·Cliff Briscoe's bungalow ·Dinky the T-Rex ·Dino Bite gift shop ·Dino Dee-lite front desk ·Dino Dee-lite Motel ·Dino Dee-Lite motel room ·Jeannie May Crawford's house ·Manny Vargas' room ·McBride house ·Novac house ·No-bark's shack ·Ranger Andy's bungalow
PrimmBison Steve Hotel ·Deputy Beagle's residence ·Nash residence ·NCR tent ·Primm house ·Primm sheriff's office ·Vikki and Vance Casino
FreesideAtomic Wrangler Casino ·Atomic Wrangler corner room ·Cerulean Robotics ·Freeside's East Gate ·Freeside's North Gate ·King's School of Impersonation ·Mick & Ralph's ·Old Mormon Fort ·Ruined store ·Silver Rush
New Vegas sewersNorth sewers ·Central sewers ·East central sewers ·Sealed sewers ·Northwest sewersCut content ·Southwest sewersCut content
New Vegas StripGomorrah (Big Sal's office ·Brimstone) ·Lucky 38 (Lucky 38 basement ·Lucky 38 control room ·Lucky 38 cocktail lounge ·Lucky 38 penthouse ·Lucky 38 presidential suite) ·LVB Station ·Michael Angelo's workshop ·NCR embassy ·NCR Military Police HQ ·The Strip North Gate ·The Tops (The Aces ·The Tops High Roller suite ·The Tops presidential suite) ·Ultra-Luxe (Bon Vivant suite ·The Gourmand) ·Vault 21
North Vegas squareNorth sewers ·The Gray
South Vegas ruinsSouth Vegas Ruins East Entrance ·South Vegas Ruins West Entrance ·Vault 3 ·Zapp's Neon Signs
WestsideCasa Madrid Apartments ·Klamath Bob's liquor store ·North cistern ·Westside Co-op ·Miguel's Pawn Shop ·Westside South Entrance ·Westside West Entrance
New Vegas individual locationsAerotech Office Park ·Allied Technologies Offices ·Camp Golf ·Camp McCarran ·Crimson Caravan Company ·East pump station ·El Rey Motel ·Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop ·Gun Runners ·H&H Tools Factory ·Lake Las Vegas ·Mole Rat Ranch ·Monte Carlo Suites ·NCR Sharecropper Farms ·New Vegas Medical Clinic ·New Vegas Steel ·REPCONN headquarters ·Samson Rock Crushing Plant ·South Cistern ·Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters ·The Basincreek building ·The Thorn ·West pump station
New Vegas unmarked locationsAbandoned warehouse ·Fabulous New Vegas sign ·Fiend house ·Hostetler home ·Isaac's house ·Orion Moreno's house ·Train station ·Violet's trailer fort ·Wins hideout
Vault 3 ·Vault 11 ·Vault 19 ·Vault 21 ·Vault 22 ·Vault 34 ·Securitron Vault
Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker ·Ant Mound ·Bitter Springs Recreation Area ·Black Mountain (Broadcast building ·Prison building ·Storage building) ·Black Rock Cave ·Bloodborne Cave ·Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals ·Bonnie Springs ·Boulder Beach Campground ·Bradley's Shack ·Brewer's Beer Bootlegging ·Broc Flower Cave ·Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch ·California Sunset Drive-in ·Callville Bay ·Cannibal Johnson's Cave ·Canyon Wreckage ·Cap Counterfeiting Shack ·Cassidy Caravan Wreckage ·Cazador Nest ·Charleston Cave ·Chance's Map ·Clark Field ·Cliffside Prospector Camp ·Cottonwood Crater ·Cottonwood Overlook ·Coyote Den ·Coyote Mines ·Crashed B-29 ·Coyote Tail Ridge ·Crashed Vertibird ·Crescent Canyon West ·Crescent Canyon East ·Dead Wind Cavern ·Deserted Shack ·Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan ·El Dorado Dry Lake ·El Dorado Substation ·El Dorado Gas & Service ·Emergency Service Railyard ·Fields' Shack ·Fire Root Cavern ·Fisherman's Pride Shack ·Gibson Scrap Yard ·Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan ·Gypsum Train Yard ·Harper's Shack ·Hidden Supply Cave ·Highway 95 Viper's Encampment ·Horowitz Farmstead ·Hunter's Farm ·Ivanpah Dry Lake ·Ivanpah Race Track ·Jack Rabbit Springs ·Jean Sky Diving ·Junction 15 Railway Station ·Lake Las Vegas ·Lake Mead Cave ·Lone Wolf Radio ·Lucky Jim Mine ·Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm ·Mesquite Mountains Camp Site ·Mesquite Mountains Crater ·Mojave Drive-in ·Morning Star Cavern ·Mountain Shadows Campground ·Neil's Shack ·Nevada Highway Patrol Station ·Nipton Road Pit Stop ·Nipton Road Reststop ·Nopah Cave ·Northern Passage ·Old Nuclear Test Site ·Poseidon Gas Station ·Primm Pass ·Quarry Junction ·Raided Farmstead ·Raul's Shack ·Remnants Bunker ·REPCONN Test Site ·Ruby Hill Mine ·Scavenger Platform ·Scorpion Gulch ·Searchlight Airport ·Searchlight East Gold Mine ·Searchlight North Gold Mine ·Silver Peak Mine ·Smith Mesa prospector camp ·Sniper's Nest ·Snyder Prospector Camp ·Southern Nevada Wind Farm ·Spring Mt. Ranch State Park ·The Devil's Gullet ·The Devil's Throat ·The Prospector's Den ·Toxic Dump Site ·Tribal Village ·Walking Box Cavern ·Whittaker Farmstead ·Wolfhorn Ranch ·Wrecked Highwayman ·Yangtze Memorial
Abandoned shack ·Bootjack cavern ·Camp Guardian caves ·Camp Searchlight trailer park ·Carlyle St. Clair's house ·Chance's grave ·Crashed transport plane ·Colorado River ·Deathclaw promontory ·Devil's throat cavern ·Gibson's shack ·Great Khan supply cave ·Gypsum quarry office ·Hidden cazador nest ·Highway 93 ·Highway 95 ·I-15 ·Jackal shack ·Lake Mead ·Lakelurk cove ·Mercenary camp ·Mesquite Mountains lean-to ·Mojave home ·Nuclear test shack ·REPCONN test site checkpoint ·Ringo's ambushed caravan ·Scorpion burrow ·Small lakelurk cave ·Sunken sarsaparilla supplies ·Train tunnel ·Viper Gang ambush
Alien crash site ·Jimmy's Well ·The One
Sierra MadreMedical district (Villa clinic) ·Puesta del Sol (Puesta del Sol switching station ·Ruined building ·Ruined cafe ·Ruined store ·Service route) ·Residential district ·Salida del Sol (Campanas del Sol ·Salida del Sol courtyard) ·Sierra Madre Resort & Casino (Cantina Madrid ·Executive Suites ·Sierra Madre Casino ·Sierra Madre lobby ·Sierra Madre vault ·The Tampico) ·Villa (Villa police station)
Zion CanyonAngel Cave ·Ant Burrow ·Bighorn Bluff ·Burial Mounds ·Caterpillar's Mound ·Clear Water Docks ·Crashed scout bus ·Court Fork Overlook ·Crossroad Cavern ·Cueva Guarache ·Dagger's Point ·Dead Horses Camp ·East Fork Bridge ·Eastern Virgin ·Fallen Rock Cave ·General Store ·Ghost Den ·Glass Chime Cave ·Half Mouse Cave ·Morning Glory Cave ·Northern Passage ·North Fork Bridge ·North Fork Campground ·Old Rockville Bridge ·Patriarchs' Campground ·Pine Creek Tunnel ·Ranger Substation Eagle ·Ranger Substation Osprey ·Ranger Substation Peregrine ·Red Rapids Docks ·Sorrows Camp ·Sorrows Fork Campground ·Southern passage ·Stone Bones Cave ·Sun Sentinels ·Sweet Flower Cave ·The Aerie ·The Bend Bridge ·The Spine ·The Red Gate ·Three Mary's ·Three Mary's Cavern ·Two Skies Cave ·Vault 22 Dwellers' Guard Camp ·Virgin River ·Virgin Fork Campground ·White Bird's Cave ·Wind Wall Docks ·Yao Guai Cave ·Zion Canyon ·Zion Fishing Lodge ·Zion Ranger Station ·Zion Valley Welcome Booth
Big EmptyBig MT ·Big MT East Tunnel ·Big MT North Tunnel ·Big MT West Tunnel ·Construction Site ·Elijah's Watch ·Forbidden Zone Dome Entrance ·Hazmat Testing Ground ·Higgs Village ·Little Yangtze ·Loading Station ·Magnetohydraulics Complex ·Mojave Drive-in ·Mysterious Cave ·Saturnite Alloy Research Facility ·Securitron De-Construction Plant ·Signal Hills Transmitter ·The Cuckoo's Nest ·The Sink ·The Think Tank ·Waste Disintegration Platform ·X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array ·X-7a 'Left Field' Artillery Launch ·X-7b 'Boom Town' Target Zone ·X-8 Research Center ·X-12 Research Center ·X-13 Research Facility ·X-17 Meteorological Station ·X-22 Botanical Garden ·X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago ·Y-0 Research Center ·Y-17 Medical Facility ·Z-9 Crotalus DNA Preservation Lab ·Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab ·Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research ·Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant ·Ulysses' Point
The DivideAshton Silo Control Station ·Boxwood hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed Overpass Tunnel ·Collapsed Overpass Tunnel Entrance ·Divide ·Dry Wells ·Junction 7 rest stop ·Long 15 ·High Road Entrance ·Hopeville Armory ·Hopeville Men's Barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East Entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading Station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West Entrance ·Hopeville Silo Bunker Entrance ·Hopeville Women's Barracks ·Marked Men Camp ·Marked Men Base ·Marked Men Guard Outpost ·Marked Men Supply Outpost ·Pass to Canyon Wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined Highway Interchange ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·
Parentheses () denote sub-locations, italics denote unmarked locations.
Retrieved from 'https://fallout.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=Vault_3&oldid=2074781'



I haven't had time to devote to Vault Girl Mod, too many other projects and real life things to deal with. Feel free to use what I have already released and I grant permission to anyone to create patches or use images from my mod as long as they give credit and link back to my mod here.

Best, bigC


This mod is intended to increase the prominence of Vault Girl in the game. This mod replaces textures in the game world and parts of the user interface to feature vault girl. There are three main options available for Vault Girl. One of my own design, the classic fallout Vault Girl, and one based on the popular Vault Girl design by shadman. There is already an Alpha version of the mod available for download that I continuously update.

Mod Image Gallery

Vault Girl Mod - Alpha 1.9.4 Download (6/9/17)

by Uziumi

I highly recommend using LevelUpMenuEx

Fallout New Vegas Vault 21

by Neanka

This eliminates the need for the vanilla level up menu, which I have no plans to use.

Change Log

Version 1.9.4

Added several new patches for Def_UI and Def_UI + HUDFramework in a variety of aspect ratios.

New pajama pants options for Well Rested Perk.

Added default quest animation for when it pops up on screen.

Status screen body option of Vault Girl wearing underwear/bikini (total fanservice, but can be used as a base for other outfits).

Status screen head option inspired by Wendy's mascot (lol).

Also added Hair bounce to some of the Vault Girl head options.


Frequently Asked Questions


I will add more questions and answers as they are asked or I think of them.

If you want to craft posters from this mod in the workshop, these mods add posters to the workshop:

Vault Posters Mod: http://www.nexusmods...ut4/mods/8362/?

Other Posters Mod: http://www.nexusmods...t4/mods/10222/?


There is Still Work to Do

So while an icon replacer mod might not seem like that big of a mod, it really is. Just counting perks there are 70 animations, and then another 70 that are colored in the skill tree (don't get me started on that, I have no idea how to edit it yet). There are like 20 variants on the walking animation for the status screen, and then several other random animations scattered throughout the game.

Thanks to:








(If I forgot to list you please let me know)

How I'm Doing This (and You Can Too)


Edited by bigCman123, 01 March 2019 - 02:19 PM.