Kingdoms Of Middle Earth Guide


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Apr 11, 2014  The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle Earth is a top-grossing game on iOS based on the popular fantasy franchise. Players build varied structures, upgrade them, apply research to unlock new units or improve the performance of existing ones, and outfit familiar heroes to lead armies into battle. About the Game -hkme03- '-' The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth is a Strategic Game that requires a lot of patience, concentration and strategies to complete. Understanding is one of the key aspects of the game.

In general, you should have a good mix of all three different types of attack troops for all situations. However, scouting your enemy before you attack them is the best way to make sure that you send in the right mix of troops. Before you scout opposing kingdoms, you need to research Far Seeing, and the more that you upgrade your Far Seeing research, the more information that you can get from a scouting mission.

Once you know who to send in, know which troops are the strongest and know how strong an enemy’s troops are by checking their might. The first tier of attackers (your weakest foot, ranged and mounted troops) are worth four might each, the second tier are worth 16 might each, and the third tier are worth 24 might apiece. Your first tier has an attack rating of one, a life rating of 2, 400 speed and carries a load of 50, and costs 4 gold per hour for upkeep. Your second tier has an attack rating of two, a life rating of 4, 600 speed, carries a load of 40 and costs 8 gold per hour for upkeep. Your third tier has an attack rating of 4, a life rating of 8, 900 speed, carries a load of 30 and costs 16 gold of upkeep per hour.

Before you even scout another kingdom or a goblin camp, check their might rating. If it’s within a decent amount of might as yours, then generally, it should be okay to attack. The less might, the better, although defensive units have inflated might ratings compared to attack units, which is why it is necessary to scout your opponent first.

Even better, look for abandoned kingdoms, especially if you play in a world with a high fullness rating. You will be able to tell when a kingdom has been abandoned if the might rating is zero but the kingdom is still a fairly high level, and is still producing resources. These are VERY easy to go and raid for resources, or to inflate your own rating.

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General Information



Western Eriador; west of Baranduin and the Weather Hills



Founded after the break-up of Arnor due to feuding amongst the sons of Eärendur


Kingdoms Of Middle Earth Game


Spoken Languages






Arthedain was one of the three kingdoms of Middle-earth that resulted from the breakup of Arnor during the Third Age.

History Edit

During the reign of Eärendur his sons were in open discord, which erupted into civil war after Eärendur's death in TA 861. Amlaith, the true heir to the throne of Arnor, was opposed by his two brothers. Unable to resolve the situation, he was reduced to ruling the region of Arthedain, which consisted approximately of the lands west of the Brandywine River and north of the Great East Road. (His brothers created the kingdoms of Cardolan and Rhudaur to the south.)

The kingdom's capital was at Fornost, and Bree was one of its most important towns. Annúminas was in the territory of Arthedain, but mostly abandoned and falling into ruin.

In TA 1300 the kingdom of Angmar appeared at Arthedain's north-eastern border. Its King was the chief of the Ringwraiths, although this was not known to the Dúnedain. When this new threat came Cardolan placed itself under the suzerainty of Arthedain, which then began to call itself Arnor again. Cardolan repeatedly sent aid to Arthedain when needed but by TA 1409 Cardolan and Rhudaur were conquered by Angmar.

Arthedain kept up the resistance against Angmar for over 500 years but in TA 1974 Arthedain was overrun and Fornost fell into the hands of Angmar. It fell just one year too soon for help was underway from Gondor under the lead of Eärnur. This army reached Arthedain in TA 1975 and destroyed Angmar at the Battle of Fornost.


Its last King, Arvedui, drowned just before the battle was fought. The kings of Arthedain were also the lords of The Shire and the Shire chose the Thain to replace the kings.

The son of Arvedui, Aranarth decided not to rebuild the kingdom and so became the first Chieftain of the Dúnedain. From him Aragorn is descended.[1]

Arthedain (people) Edit

The Arthedain (Sindarin for Edain of the Realm) were the Dúnedain of the old Kingdom of Arthedain.They were the purest-blooded descendants of the Númenóreans among the Dúnedain of Arnor. Arthedain also came to an end and its lands remained mostly empty (except for the Shire) and its people became Rangers. Rangers of the North, or simply the Rangers, were the northern wandering people of Eriador, the last remnant of the Dúnedain of Arnor

Etymology Edit

Arthedain was a Sindarin word that meant 'Realm of the Edain'.[1] Arthedain(people)

were the Dúnedain of the old Kingdom of Arthedain.They were the most pure blooded descendants of the Númenóreans among the Dúnedain of the north.

Delete avast safe price. Other mannish peoples of the kingdom of Arthedain included:

  • the Forodrim or eriadorian Northmen of the northern marches
  • the Breelanders
  • the Rivermen of Númeriador and the Baranduin
  • the Lossoth, sometimes temporarily encamped in the northern borders to the ice bay of Forochel. However, they mostly inhabited the far northern Cape of Forochel, beyond the boundaries of any nation.

Middle Earth Kingdom Names

See also Edit

Translations around the world Edit

Foreign LanguageTranslated name
Belarusian CyrillicАртедайн
Bulgarian CyrillicАрведуи
KazakhАртедаін (Cyrillic) Artedain (Latin)
Kyrgyz CyrillicАртэдаин
Macedonian CyrillicАртедаин
Mongolian CyrillicАртедаин
SerbianАртедаин (Cyrillic) Artedain (Latin)
Tajik CyrillicАртедаин
Ukrainian CyrillicАртедайн
UzbekАртедаин (Cyrillic) Artedain (Latin)
Realms of Men of Middle-earth throughout the Ages
First Age
Amon Ereb • Brethil • Dor-lómin • Estolad • Ladros • Rhûn • Harad • Eriador
Second Age
Arnor • Dunland • Gondor • Harad • Númenor • Rhûn • Umbar • Eriador
Third Age
Arnor (later split into Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur) • Rohan • City of Dale (later became a Kingdom) • Dunland • Lake-town (later part of the Kingdom of Dale) • Gondor • Harad • Khand • Kingdom of Rhovanion • Rhûn • Umbar • Vales of Anduin • Greenwood the Great • Eriador
Fourth Age
Kingdom of Dale • Dunland • Harad • Núrn • Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor • Rohan • Rhûn • Eryn Lasgalen • Khand • Eriador • Rhovanion • Vales of Anduin

References Edit

Elven Kingdoms Of Middle Earth

  1. 1.01.1The Complete Guide to Middle-earth