Edgefonts Code Http And


Click on href - on this page i has embed the iframe. Its iframe contents links. If i go to playlist tab and try to click on pictures in console of IE9 i see:

SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised

Could anyone help me? Thanks a lot!

Oct 04, 2012  Preview Tool – A little widget on the Edge Web Fonts site that helps you choose a font and grab the code. App Support – Some Adobe apps are integrating the service directly so you can access the full free font library with ease. Manual – You can use the documentation and write your own code to implement any of the fonts anywhere you want. Mar 10, 2014 - There is no direct control over the HTML and CSS that makes up the design. And while Reflow doesn't give you code export tools for a full site, it does. Adobe Edge Fonts is an impressive collection of free to use web fonts.

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closed as off-topic by FlexoDec 5 '16 at 9:24

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions seeking debugging help ('why isn't this code working?') must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example.' – Flexo
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3 Answers

Edge Fonts Code Http And Rest

The error message is IE's new way of warning about mixed content (HTTP and HTTPS resources on a secure page).

Edgefonts Code Http And Port



This is an Internet Explorer error when it encounters mixed content (or what it thinks may be mixed content). Usually the error message also specifies which file is at fault, as in

SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by https://example.com/example.html

If you link to any images, JavaScript or CSS files from an https site you need to do so using https.

Mauritz HansenMauritz Hansen
2,6273 gold badges22 silver badges32 bronze badges

In my case what caused the error was a javascript call to

After I removed this script block the exception was no more thrown.

Stefan MichevCode

Edge Fonts

Stefan Michev
2,7631 gold badge26 silver badges24 bronze badges

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