The Witcher 2 At A Crossroads


The Witcher 2 makes use of a sharpening filter that increases the sharpness of the game's visuals. While this setting has a negligible performance impact it does cause increased aliasing and adds an unnatural sheen to many objects, if those bother you it can be disabled with an INI tweak.

Misa criolla translation. Sheet Music: $ Ariel.Author:Vuzragore DairamarCountry:Trinidad & TobagoLanguage:English (Spanish)Genre:LovePublished (Last):19 February 2008Pages:393PDF File Size:13.94 MbePub File Size:15.86 MbISBN:132-4-19356-707-7Downloads:29871Price:Free.Free Regsitration RequiredUploader:Misa Criolla – KyrieI have known the piece for many years.

After the 5th play-through, I thought it's about time to discuss the privileges of the two paths. What path will be 'the one' for you? Meaning if it comes to a third game, which one of your endings will you import? Why do you think that path is better?The witcher 2 at a crossroads
Well let's start with the very person who started this, the main and most important choice for me was the choosing between the Blue Stripes and the Scoia'tael. At first choosing the Scoia'tael seemed a bit.. Odd so to say. Since you are aiding those who aided those who you're chasing, true that 'My Enemies Enemy is my Friend', but it seems a bit rude to piss on a strong and powerful friend and Ally just to make a new one. So I reasoned that the Scoia'tael are fighting for more Just reasons than the Blue Stripes, and taking on Zoltan's advice, Geralt's choice of aiding Iorveth makes a lot more sense.
What followed-up made it a lot more worth while. You start the path with helping the Scoia'tael escape, end up fighting for a free and equal Pontar Valley. Helping good old friends against a Tyrant. On the other hand walking in to Philippa Eilheart's quarters.. As Cecil Burdon likes to say 'My favorite type of Magic.. Lesbomancy!'. Yet still it bothers me that you somehow didn't make a very good and friend friendly choice with choosing this choice in the first place. And you end up being saved by Roche two times in this path, and the way he wields guilt when talking about Ves was amazing.Witcher
In any case, with making my own reasons and seeing the outcome, I decided that a Free Pontar Valley with united people and strength can be far more Powerful than the four Kingdoms. Aedirn is in shite, Temeria, preserved or split between his two neighbors is none-the-less weak. Kaedwen, either ends up in chaos after Henselts death, or if Preserved starts dealing lands with Nilfgaard to insure it's safety. Same for Redania.

The Witcher 2 At A Crossroads Center

There is still a long way to regain Temeria's strength with Anais in Roche's path, with Nilfgaard on the march preserving Temeria is more than Impossible. With Saskia on the other hand, the the unification of the kingdoms and races and hopes for a second Victory like the one in Brenna seem more probable.The witcher 2 at a crossroads
So in the end, the choice between 'The Spellbreaker' and 'Where is Triss Merigold' gave me the same guilt feeling. Thinking that Triss will eventually get executed by Shilard, thus with choosing the other you have yet abandoned another friend in need got me thinking when I was saving Saskia, again I thought 'For a Higher Cause' and again it didn't satisfy me to leave a friend to do things that actually don't have anything to do with you, although it didn't seem much like the Witcher path, I decided it's what should be done because there are more friends at risk. Cecil, Skalen, Yarpen, Zoltan and so on.
And here's something that didn't make any sense to me, if the Letho fooled the Lodge and was working for Nilfgaard, why did he kill half the Nilfgaardians and intimidate the rest just to save Triss? Doesn't that make all he did so far in vain? To save the school of Viper and so on. This gave me some doubts about killing him, since I wasn't sure if he would just walk away and go back to the path or try killing the Monarchs of Cintra, Caingorn, Rivia and others. I don't know what's so bad about it but Geralt found himself fighting Nilfgaardians from the first novel 'Blood of Elves'.
Posted by4 years ago


I just got to the Crossroads in Floatsome and need the help of people who read the books. I want to be as true to the book Geralt as possible. So fare I spared Aryan, Milva, the 2 explorers and the troll. I didn't take Triss to the ruins since the memory came back and well.. Yennefer. I also gave Iorveth the sword and choose to fight Letho. Now I don't know who to pick. What do you think Geralt would do in that position. I played both paths before and want to be as canon as possible.

PS: I know I'm asking a subjective view. Both paths can be justified, but what do you think Geralt would do in that moment?

PPS: Would Geralt save Triss or Anais?