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10 Things: Text, Object and HistoriographyAH3061Module
Academic HonestyAR7900Module
Academic HonestyAR1900Module
Age of Augustus [ Year 2 ]AH2551Module
Aims and Methods in Archaoelogy [ Year 1 ]AR1551Module
An Introduction to World Archaeology AD [ Year 1 ]AR1005Module
An Introduction to World Archaeology BC [ Year 1 ]AR1004Module
Approaches to Pompeii and HerculaneumAR7074Module
Approaching Ancient Evidence (Greek)AH1008Module
Archaeobotany [ Postgraduate ]AR7028Module
Archaeobotany [ Year 3 ]AR3016Module
Archaeological Fieldschool (North American historical archaeology 1)AR2562Module
Archaeological Fieldschool (North American historical archaeology 2)AR2563Module
Archaeological Practice [ Year 3 ]AR3551Module
Archaeological Practice [ Year 3 ] Sept 14AR3551S14Module
Archaeological Research [ Year 1 ]AR1010Module
Archaeological Theory [ Year 2 ]AR2551Module
Archaeologies of Space and Place [ Year 3 ]AR3047Module
Archaeology and Ancient History DL TemplateARX033Module
Archaeology and Education (DL)AR7533Module
Archaeology and Landscape [ Postgraduate ]AR7060Module
Archaeology Fieldschool [ Year 1 ]AR1011Module
Archaeology of Standing BuildingsAR7024Module
Archaeology of Standing Buildings [ Postgraduate ]AR7524Module
Archaeology of the Mediterranean: From the Late Bronze Age to the End of Antiquity [ Year 2 ]AR2035Module
Archaeology of the Roman World [ Year 2 ]AR2556Module
Archaeology of Urbanism [ Year 3 ]AR3552Module
Archaeology, Religion and Belief [ Year 3 ]AR3553Module
Archaeology/Ancient History in Education [ Year 3 ]AR3070Module
Archaeology: The Essentials [ Year 1 ]AR1007Module
Archaeozoology [ Postgraduate ]AR7057Module
Archaeozoology [ Year 3 ]AR3017Module
Artefact Analysis [ Year 2 ]AR2031Module
Being Human: Evolution and Prehistory [ Year 2 ]AR2555Module
Britain in the Roman EmpireAR3037Module
Ceramic TechnologyAR7323Module
Ceramic Technology [ Year 3 ]AR3023Module
Ceramic Technology and MaterialsAR7323_2014Module
Classical and Hellenistic Greek States [ Year 2 ]AH2022Module
Classical and Post-classical Latin [ Year 2 ]AH2027Module
Classical Antiquity: Traditions, Approaches and DebatesAH7052Module
Classical Archaeology [ Year 1 ]AR1554Module
Classical Art and Its Social Context [ Postgraduate ]AH7362Module
Classical Art in Context [ Year 3 ]AH3062Module
Classical Landscapes (Approaches to Landscape and Rural and Urban Space in the Classical World) [ Postgraduate ]AR7528Module
Combined Studies Archaeology and Ancient History Dissertation 2 [ Year 3 ]AR3026Module
Combined Studies Archaeology and Ancient History Dissertation Part 1 [ Year 3 ]AR3025Module
Conflict, Heritage and ArchaeologyAR3083Module
Critical Approaches to the Archaeological Heritage [ Postgraduate ]AR7525Module
Deconstructing Sparta [ Year 2 ]AH2552Module
Dissertation (90 credits) [ Postgraduate ]AR7529Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ]AR7007Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ]AR7029Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ]AR7526Module
Dissertation [ Year 3 ]AR3554Module
Dissertation Part 1 (Ancient History and History) [ Year 3 ]AH3056Module
Dissertation Part 1 [ Year 3 ]AR3059Module
Dissertation Part 2 (Ancient History and History) [ Year 3 ]AH3057Module
Dissertation Part 2 [ Year 3 ]AR3060Module
Doing Historical Archaeology [ Postgraduate ]AR7530Module
Doing Historical Archaeology [ Postgraduate ]AR7030Module
Early Christian Europe [ Postgraduate ]AR7312Module
Early Christian Europe [ Year 3 ]AR3012Module
Early Prehistory [ Year 1 ]AR1552Module
Encountering the Classical World: Sites, Monuments and Artefacts [ Postgraduate ]AR7553Module
Encountering the Classical World: Sites, Monuments and Artefacts [ Postgraduate ]AR7053Module
Environmental Archaeology [ Year 2 ]AR2008Module
Europe in the Neolithic and the Bronze Age [ Postgraduate ]AR7367Module
European Bodies in Prehistory and History [ Postgraduate ]AR7374Module
European Bodies in Prehistory and History [ Year 3 ]AR3074Module
Fieldschool [ Year 2 ]AR2550Module
Forensic Archaeology [ Year 3 ]AR3007Module
From Monks to Modernity: Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology [ Year 2 ]AR2034Module
GIS in ArchaeologyAR7003Module
Greco-Roman SlaveryAH2039Module
Greco-Roman Slavery [ Year 2 ]AH2553Module
Greek and Latin Language for Ancient History [ Year 1 ]AH1553Module
Greek and Latin Language for Ancient History at Diploma Level [ Year 2 ]AH2554Module
Greek HistoriographyAR7072Module
Greek History in 40 LivesAH2044Module
Greek History Through MonumentsAH3082Module
Guided Research in Prehistory, Bioarchaeology or Medieval Archaeology [ Postgraduate ]AR7061Module
Historical (Post-Medieval and Industrial) Archaeology [ Year 1 ]AR1556Module
Households and Domesticity in the Ancient WorldAR7560Module
Households and Domesticity in the Roman World [ Year 3 ]AH3060Module
Households and Families in the Past [ Year 3 ]AR3550Module
Households, Families and Domesticity in the Classical World [ Postgraduate ]AH7360Module
Houses, Households and Domestic Life in the Ancient World [ Postgraduate ]AH7560Module
Human and Animal Health and DiseaseAR7073Module
Human Skeletal Analysis [ Postgraduate ]AR7376Module
Human Skeletal Analysis [ Year 3 ]AR3076Module
Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeology and Ethnography [ Year 3 ]AR3062Module
Imperialism in the Eastern Mediterranean, Ancient and Modern [ Year 3 ]AH3072Module
Interaction and exchange in the Near East [ Year 2 ]AH2037Module
Interpreting Archaeological Evidence: Material Culture and Environment [ Year 2 ]AR2554Module
Introduction to Greek History [ Year 1 ]AH1010Module
Introduction to Greek History [ Year 1 ]AH1552Module
Introduction to Roman History [ Year 1 ]AH1011Module
Introduction to Roman History [ Year 1 ]AH1551Module
Iron Age and Roman Archaeology [ Year 2 ]AR2033Module
Landscape Archaeology [ Postgraduate ]AR7522Module
Landscapes of the Greco-Roman World [ Postgraduate ]AR7009Module
Language Tools for Ancient History: Latin [ Year 1 ]AH1009Module
Later European Prehistory: perspectives on the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages [ Year 3 ]AR3067Module
Later Prehistory [ Year 1 ]AR1553Module
Managing Archaeological Practices [ Postgraduate ]AR7523Module
Material Culture in Historical Archaeology [ Postgraduate ]AR7365Module
Material Culture in Historical Archaeology [ Year 3 ]AR3065Module
Medieval Archaeology [ Year 1 ]AR1555Module
Medieval Urbanism [ Postgraduate ]AR7062Module
Mini-Dissertation [ Postgraduate ]AR7527Module
mperialisms Ancient and Modern [ Postgraduate ]AH7372Module
North Africa at the end of Antiquity [ Postgraduate ]AH7320Module
North Africa in Late Antiquity [ Year 3 ]AH3020Module
Origins and Revolutions? The emergence of agriculture: a global viewAR3078Module
Origins and Revolutions? The emergence of agriculture: a global viewAR7378Module
Pottery Technology and Materials Analysis [ Postgraduate ]AR7023Module
Practical Aims and Methods in Archaeology [ Year 1 ]AR1009Module
Practical Archaeology [ Year 2 ]AR2028Module
Professional Skills [ Year 2 ]AR2036Module
Religion in the Roman WorldAH2041Module
Roman and American Slavery [ Year 3 ]AH3021Module
Roman Imperialism and its Consequences [ Year 2 ]AH2026Module
Roman Settlement and Society in North West Europe [ Postgraduate ]AR7368Module
Roman Settlement and Society in North West Europe [ Year 3 ]AR3068Module
Roman Social HistoryAH2038Module
Rome and its Neighbours [ Postgraduate ]AR7008Module
Rome and the Greek East [ Postgraduate ]AH7301Module
Sources, Methods and Theory for Ancient History [ Year 2 ]AH2012Module
Sparta and the Greek World [ Year 3 ]AH3015Module
Sparta in the Mediterranean World [ Postgraduate ]AH7315Module
Study Tour [ Postgraduate ]AR7566Module
Study Tour [ Postgraduate ]AR7066Module
Ten Things: Text, Object, and HistoriographyAR7361Module
Text and Material Culture [ Postgraduate ]AR7552Module
Text and Material Culture [ Postgraduate ]AR7052Module
Textiles, Dress and Identity in the Roman WorldAH3079Module
The Ancient World on Film [ Year 3 ]AH3063Module
The archaeology of colonialism in the AmericasAR3085Module
The Archaeology of Culture contact and Colonialism in North America [ Year 3 ]AR3073Module
The Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia [ Year 1 ]AR1558Module
The Archaeology of Hunter-Gatherers [ Postgraduate ]AR7362Module
The Archaeology of Prehistory from Foragers to Farmers [ Year 2 ]AR2032Module
The Archaeology of the Modern World [ Postgraduate ]AR7031Module
The Archaeology of the Modern World [ Postgraduate ]AR7531Module
The Archaeology of World Religions [ Postgraduate ]AR7375Module
The connecting sea: The archaeology of the CaribbeanAR7076Module
The Development of the Greek City State [ Year 2 ]AH2021Module
The Fall of the Roman RepublicAH3081Module
The Greek World After Alexander [ Year 3 ]AH3001Module
The Historical Archaeology of England [ Postgraduate ]AR7032Module
The Historical Archaeology of England [ Postgraduate ]AR7532Module
The Late Antique WorldAH2040Module
The Later Roman Empire AD284-430AH3551Module
The Medieval MediterraneanAR2043Module
The Mediterranean in the Medieval World [ Year 2 ]AR2553Module
The Origins of Modern Humans [ Postgraduate ]AR7301Module
The Origins of Modern Humans [ Year 3 ]AR3001Module
The Rise of States in the Old World [ Year 2 ]AR2552Module
The Roman Principate [ Year 2 ]AH2023Module
The Social Economy of the Roman Empire [ Postgraduate ]AR7010Module
Theory and Method in Roman Era Studies [ Postgraduate ]AR7005Module
Theory and Practice in ArchaeologyAR7059_2014Module
Theory and Practice in Archaeology [ Postgraduate ]AR7059Module
Theory in Archaeology [ Year 2 ]AR2029Module
Towards Modernity: Postmedieval and Historical ArchaeologyAR2042Module
Troy and the Trojan WarAH3073Module
Using Archaeological Evidence [ Year 1 ]AR1008Module
Warfare, Conflict and Violence in Antiquity [ Postgraduate ]AR7354Module
Warfare, Conflict and Violence in Antiquity [ Year 3 ]AR3054Module
World Religion [ Year 3 ]AR3075Module

Lists linked to Archaeology and Ancient History

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University of Leicester Theses : [7868] Community home page

This is the collection of University of Leicester theses from all departments that are mounted on the LRA. Theses collections from individual departments can be found by going to the specific Dept & School communities; but are also listed here.

Unless otherwise noted, all copyright within a thesis is retained by the author to whom requests for reproduction and reuse should be addressed.

Recent Submissions

The effects of marketisation on pedagogic practice in the HE in FE classroom, and ways to create a positive change within that environment.

The competitive market which FE finds itself has led to a more corporate form of management which results in the need to focus on the performativity of the teachers. This often takes the form of monitoring and accountability measures to ensure that targets are met, which are generally concentrated towards student attainment rather than the grades that they achieve. However, the findings of this study suggests that performativity measures applied to the FE sector can have an adverse effect on ..

Payne, Shane Neville

Effects of environmental contaminants on gene expression, DNA methylation and gut microbiota in Buff-tailed Bumble bee - Bombus terrestris

Bee populations are increasingly at risk. In this thesis, I explore various mechanisms throughwhich environmental contaminants, namely imidacloprid and black carbon, can affect bumblebee epigenetics, behaviour and gutmicrobiota.I found imidacloprid has numerous epigenetic effects on Bombus terrestris non reproductiveworkers. I analysed three whole methylome (BS-seq) libraries and seven RNA-seq libraries ofthe brains of imidacloprid exposed workers and three BS-seq libraries and nine..

Bebane, Pshtiwan Saeed

Cardiorespiratory and muscle molecular responses to exercise training in advanced age and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

INTRODUCTION: Maintenance of cardiorespiratory fitness is important for health in advanced age and in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Aerobic training increases peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2PEAK) in health. Quadriceps weakness is common in COPD. Non-volitional neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) may improve muscle mass and strength as an alternative or adjunct to voluntary resistance exercise (RE). This thesis examines the impact of aerobic exercise training and withdrawal on..

Latimer, Lorna Elizabeth

Music covers as vehicles of nostalgia: Exploring fans’ recollections and yearning in the UK indie pop music scene

The purpose of this research is to investigate how long-standing members of the UK indie pop music scene reflect on their experiences of music and make sense of the scene. Twelve in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fourteen indie pop fans, supported by two years of immersion in the scene so I could familiarise myself with the music, practices and community surrounding indie pop. Participants were asked to bring to the interview examples of meaningful single/EP/album cover..

Whitehouse, Sophie Louise

Novel zebrafish models for autism spectrum disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of complex neurodevelopmentdisorders influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors. ASD is characterizedby repetitive and stereotyped behaviour together with deficits in social communicationand interaction. The lack of knowledge regarding the underlying genetics andneurobiology of this disorder has hindered the discovery of novel drugs. The aim of thisproject is to investigate the function of two ASD candidate genes, reelin (..

Dalla Vecchia, Elisa

The Political Economy of Austerity Framing: Journalistic Reporting of The Greek Memoranda 2010-2015

This project examines the interplay between framing and political economic theoriesto enhance understanding of journalistic production around significant political issues.The thesis focuses on the case of the memoranda signed between the Greekgovernment and the creditor troika and their journalistic coverage from 2010 to 2015.The research addresses three relevant questions shedding light on how powerinfluences journalistic practice and content production. The first question concerns..

Kostopoulos, Christos

Predicting the Past of Dried Blood Spots: Time Since Deposition and Toxicology

Blood is among the most frequently encountered evidence types at crime scenes and establishing the time since deposition (TSD) of bloodstains can be critical in certain cases. A method to establish the TSD of bloodstains is not routinely applied yet, because of because of age estimation inaccuracies caused by environmental conditions, influence of the substrate, inter-person variation and sample quantity. A bottom-up proteomics approach in combination with nano-liquid chromatography hyphenate..

Valkenburg, Thalassa Sandra Eliza

University of leicester library catalogueEngaging object visitor encounters at the museum: a phenomenological approach

The focus of this PhD is engagement. In museum studies literature, there is a problematic absence of substantive analysis of immediate visitor responses to objects. To address this gap, I propose the investigation of object visitor encounters using a particular phenomenological approach. Centred on semi-structured interviews undertaken in a museum, the thesis: 1) explores and develops the consideration of engaging object encounters from a phenomenological, and specifically a Heideggerian, sta..

Quigley, Oonagh

Modelling, Measurement and Interpretation of Space Charge Accumulation in Polyethylene Insulation for High Voltage DC Applications

The formation of space charge inside insulating materials causes non-uniformity of the internal electric field leading to overstress of the insulation material and reduced lifetime. The pulsed electro-acoustic (PEA) method is an important tool to determine space charge distributions in insulating materials. This work proposes a novel approach for the interpretation of raw PEA data that offers a more robust and objective method for the determination of space charge and electric field profiles ..

Mulla, Awat Abdullah

Mindful Embodied Leadership: Mindfulness-in-Action as a Catalyst for Leadership Performance

The aim of this research is to explore mindfulness-in-action in moments ofleadership performance and the degree to which it may enhance leadershipexcellence. To this end, this research answers two interrelated researchquestions.Firstly, what are the embodied experiences described by leaders that arise in thepresent moment of leadership and which they feel may hinder their ability to leadsuccessfully? This question is explored through the analysis of a series ofinterviews with re..

King, Rodney

PfCLK3 as a Therapeutic Antimalarial Drug Target

Artemisinin resistance, the current frontline antimalarial, isthreatening to significantly increase the global incidence ofmalaria. Hence, novel targets for development of next generationantimalarials is urgently required. Here I focus on the essentialmalaria protein kinase PfCLK3, involved in RNA processing, toinvestigate if it is a suitable pharmacological target for malariatreatment. The molecule TCMDC-135051, identified from a screenat GlaxoSmithKline, was used as a probe in..

Janha, Omar

Irrational Happiness Beliefs: Conceptualization, Measurement and its Relationship with Well-being, Personality, Coping Strategies, and Arousal

This thesis proposes a new psychological concept, irrational happiness beliefs, by developing a measure for irrational happiness beliefs and testing the usefulness of this measure within wider psychology. To this end, seven studies were conducted using cross-section, longitudinal, and experimental designs. A total of 1,305 participants – including students and community samples – completed measures of irrational happiness beliefs, valuing happiness, well-being, personality and coping. Study 1..

Yıldırım, Murat

Essays on Financial Markets Theory

This thesis examines three different, self-contained topics in Financial Markets Theory.In the fi rst chapter, we present a model of fi nancial intermediation, in whichmisperception of small probability events determines the allocation of systematicrisk in an economy. Particularly, we analyse an economy where households caninvest directly in projects or indirectly via bank deposits. We show that, whenhouseholds overweight the probability of an unlikely bad state, they prefer to inve..

Argyraki, Efthymia-Ioli

Critical thinking and critical being; a study of international ITE students’ interpretations of criticality

This qualitative, phenomenological study examines understanding, development of and engagement with criticality for ten student-teachers on an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme to qualify to teach in the Post-Compulsory Education (PCE) sector. Throughout the ITE programme, analysis and evaluation of pedagogy is essential as the student-teachers develop into critically reflective teachers able to evaluate their pedagogical choices in specific contexts. The student-teachers selected for..

Ruparelia, Jalpa

Feeding Supermassive Black Holes through collisional cascades

The processes driving gas accretion on to supermassive black holes (SMBHs) arestill poorly understood. Angular momentum conservation prevents gas within 10 pc of the black hole from reaching radii 10􀀀3 pc where viscous accretionbecomes efficient.In this thesis I present simulations of the collapse of a clumpy shell of sweptupisothermal gas, which is assumed to have formed as a result of feedback froma previous episode of AGN activity. The gas falls towards the SMBH formingcl..

Faber, Christian

The Circulation of the Insane: The Pauper Lunatic Experience of the Garlands Asylum, 1862-1913

Within the vast array of literature concerning the county lunatic asylums of the late nineteenth-century, historians have tended to focus on the larger, urban asylums. This thesis presents the experience of pauper lunatic patients at the previously un-researched Garlands Asylum. Using the large repository of records, the thesis focuses on the county institution constructed to jointly serve the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland. Centring on the patient experience, detailed cross-referenci..

Dobbing, Cara Christine

N/OFQ and the Granulocyte

Sepsis is a life-threatening syndrome associated with the deaths of 44,000 people in the UK per year. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) and its receptor (NOP) have demonstrated associations with sepsis and cells of the immune system. This thesis describes studies examining the expression of mRNA transcripts for the NOP receptor and the N/OFQ precursor ppNOC. It further describes the development of a novel live-imaging assay for the study of N/OFQ release from single human granulocytes in vitro. ..

Scott, Simon

Dicksonia antarctica care

Reshaping Dinosaurs: The Popularisation of Palaeontology in Anglo-American Culture, 1877–1921

During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, a wealth of discoveries – most of whichwere made in the United States – transformed how palaeontologists and the wider publicviewed dinosaurs. By the early decades of the twentieth century, ‘dinosaur’ had changedfrom an obscure technical term to a household word and creatures like Brontosauruswere iconic objects of popular culture. Whereas previous studies of palaeontology in thisperiod have focused largely on American museums, this..

Fallon, Richard

Recoding Heritage Sites as Non-Formal Learning Institutions: enabling the self-directed adult learner

The aim of this research is to examine the provision of education at heritage sites forthe self-directed adult learner (SDAL) as perceived by heritage educators themselves.This doctoral research makes two original contributions. It proposes an alternativetypology of learners in the heritage sector by redefining SDALs as heritage visitors tonon-formal learning institutions. In exploring this recoding through the use of a uniquelearning model, explored in partnership with heritage edu..

Atkinson, Simon Paul

University Of Leicester LibraryArab American Women's Poetry of Diaspora, War, and Intimacy

Despite the fact that Arab American writers have been contributing to the literary scenes in the United States of America since the beginning of the twentieth century, it is only in the last four decades that academic and literary interests in the exploration of Arab American literature, as a branch of ethnic literature, has been emerging in this country. In many cases, whenever research in Arab American literature is available, studies have shown that Arab American fiction has received more ..

University Of Leicester Library Twitter

Abduljabbar, Dima Abdulmajeed


  • 2 Li, Fan
  • 2 Li, Xin
  • 2 Melland, Claire Paula
  • 2 Webb, Ida M.
  • 2 Wiselka, Martin Joseph.
  • 1 Aba Ibrahim, Nurhani
  • 1 Abas, Razif
  • 1 Abbas, Ali Khudheyer.
  • 1 Abbas, Hussein Hadi Khairi
  • 1 Abbasi, Nasir Mehmood
  • .next >
  • 3 History
  • 2 Australia
  • 2 bureaucracy
  • 2 Canada
  • 2 Cancer
  • 2 Colombia
  • 2 constructivism
  • 2 Culture
  • 2 culture
  • 2 Health
  • .next >
Date issued
  • 2759 2010 - 2019
  • 1989 2000 - 2009
  • 1445 1990 - 1999
  • 772 1980 - 1989
  • 607 1970 - 1979
  • 268 1960 - 1969
  • 12 1950 - 1959
  • 1 1940 - 1949
  • 1 1930 - 1939
  • 1 1924 - 1929

Collections in this community