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The Changing Mechanics of the Game

Ever since annoying enemies with annoying mechanics have been introduced into Puzzle & Dragons, it has evolved how we approach dungeons.

  • – Puzzle & Dragons becomes even more fun with Multiplayer Mode! Cooperate with a friend and challenge Multiplayer Dungeons once you reach a certain rank! With a thriving, active community and regular social events/updates, the world of Puzzle & Dragons is constantly expanding.
  • Question Question PAD tier list (self.PuzzleAndDragons) submitted 1 year ago by bcabo Is there a pad tier list I can look at since Setsu is no longer doing it, always liked looking at the top leads people are using but can’t seem to find a site.

I used to have so much less to worry about in this game years ago. First I’d get lucky and roll Red Sonia. Then I would find a plethora of Red Sonia/Lu Bu/Beelzebub friends. I used low cooldown monsters like Vampire since my luck in REMs were bad besides Red Sonia. Then I coasted through the dungeon with basic rows. On the Boss I would use Red Sonia and Lu Bu (or King Baddie) and win.

This was a strategy I used over and over again and conquered every dungeon.

Until Skill binds became a thing.

Until Resolve became a thing

Until Damage absorbs became a thing.

The commercial for Puzzle & Dragons only shows the basic idea of the game - move orbs around for a certain amount of time and try to get as many combos as possible. However, the commercial does not go into detail about other (and very important) aspects of the game, which as a result, might leave beginners clueless, or simply confused.

Now with monsters like Sopdet and Parvati being in the game, we have to calculate our damage as precisely as possible.

There have been aspects introduced in our favor like skill bind resistance awakenings, Fujin and Uruka, and no skyfall leaders. However, it is more important to understand the basic mechanics of the game how it calculates damage. Leaders with no skyfalls have made it possible to get very precise with your damage. Based on what is on the board, you could theoretically see exactly how many combos you need based on the orb enhances, rows, tpas, or whatever is on your team.

My Damage Sheet I Use To Make Calculating Damage Easier

I am definitely not a math expert and rely on spreadsheets to do the math for me. However, it’s good to understand the basics so you know what to calculate. There are other mathematical cheat sheets out there such as this one on reddit. Honestly, my head starts to hurt just looking at a page like this because I am more visual. My spreadsheet helps me to better process the damage calculation, and I hope the idea behind it helps you too.

I have created an excel sheet that helps me to better understand the expected damage output based on your monster’s base attack, how many orb enhance awakenings you have, how many orbs are enhanced on the board, tpas, and more.

I am still working on finding a way to make it easier for other users to access and be able to put in your damage, but you can use this as your own reminder of how damage works. Below is a test of the damage only Reincarnated Kushinadahime would deal if you were to reach (10 combos, 2 orb enhances in the combo, 3 orb enhance awakenings). TPAs and 7C awakenings are excluded in the math of this example since they do not apply to Kushinadahime herself.

The math shows as (2281 * 324 * 3.25 * 1.10 * 1.15 = 3,038,394.65). I have to test this number of combos to see how far off it is. I will be uploading a video to follow up with more visuals.

Just as a word of cautious, after discussing with GL1TCH3D the theory of using a sheet such as this, it’s important to note that Gung-Ho rounds even at small combos. This means that calculating how to get Awoken Ceres down to exactly 1.1% is not possible. You can, however, use this information to get a rough idea of your damage.

For example, GL1TCH3D and I were testing out Rozuel as a leader on the stream yesterday and we want to see how we could possibly bypass Sopdet in Arena 1 without doing too much damage. Instead of testing it out via practice and jotting notes down, we did a few calculations based on the spreadsheet and saw what each of our teams would do based on our awakenings.

Because Rozuel has no skyfalls, we were able to be precise. My team was able to get 1 fire and 1 wood combo and it would do just under 200,000 damage.

For GL1TCH3D, he could not match a wood, so he predicted the combos and orbs that would keep his damage under 200,000.

How Damage is Calculated in Puzzle & Dragons

Here are the essentials when creating a spreadsheet such as this

The base damage includes each card after plusses and assists. You can find this starting damage right on the card itself in the menu screen.

TPAs (1.5^Number of TPA Awakenings)

Orb Enhances = 1+ (.05* Number of orb enhance awakenings)

Orb Enhances on the board = 1 + (.06* Number of orb enhances in each combo)

Number of Combos = (1 + (0.25* Number of combos minus 1) (Because the first combo doesn’t count damage)

7 Combo Awakenings (2*Number of 7C awakenings)

Rows = 1 + (0.10 * Number of Rows)

Puzzle And Dragon Reddit

Any time you are calculating damage you will want to make sure to calculate based on single cards, and then add up the damage. Enemies with damage voids and absorbs will only depend upon each single card. Sopdet absorbs damage over 200,000 so your entire team can do 1,199,999 damage as a whole and be okay. If any one card does 200,001 damage, she will absorb that exact damage (or double if it is her opposite attribute).

Always test your damage in endless to make sure your math adds up. This spreadsheet can help to keep damage

Video Wrap Up

To be added.

Status: under revision

Last Updated: 2016/01/10


  • Information here is catered specifically for your first few pulls in the Rare Egg Machine.
  • This guide is catered towards Non-IAP players, so if you intend to make in-app purchases often, this guide may not be as important to you.
  • Before starting with your selected god, ensure that the Leader Skill requirement is not too difficult for you. You should be able to trigger the Leader Skill at least 75% of the time.

Why reroll?

Rerolling is the process of playing through the tutorial stages, rolling for your first Rare Egg Machine monster and restarting if it's not great. While it can get tedious, most players attribute their long-term interest with the game with a strong starter pull. Not only does it let you keep up with the difficulty spike and still remain relevant, it also allows you to save stones or actual money you may have otherwise needed to spend to roll a good card later in the game.

Before you begin: http://imgur.com/azP0ydi

The best time to reroll is during a Godfest which occurs at the middle and end of each month for 2 days in a row. This shows up on the Rare Egg Machine in yellow letters saying 'GOD FEST Live!'. Not only does this give you a 3x chance of rolling selected pantheons of gods, it also allows access to Godfest Exclusives, a group of very powerful monsters only available during the event. Some Godfests are better than others, and will be briefly covered later on.

General rules for rerolling (Chef's addition to this guide)

That being said, for those of you who are looking for a simple rule of thumb, here are some guidelines for deciding to reroll or not:

  • Regardless of rarity, reroll if the monster’s original form can drop from a dungeon. (IE- Golem, Healer girls, anything listed in this list here, or if it's listed here)

  • Reroll if the final version of the monster’s leader skill is an HP-based attack multiplier where the multiplier is 2 or less (e.g. 2x ATK if HP > 50%, etc.).

  • Reroll if the final version of the monster’s leader skill is an ATK-only modifier (no HP or RCV bonuses) that is 2.5 or less (e.g. 2.5 ATK to all wood monsters).

  • If the final version of the monster’s leader skill is a combo-based attack multiplier that only activates if you match 5 colors at a time or 5 combos and above and you are uncomfortable doing that on a regular basis, I’d consider rerolling.

At A Glance

This section is only aimed at new players who want to avoid overly detailed explanations. If you've played before, or have experience with similar collection-style games, please skip this section.

Potential► Difficulty▼Very High.............High......................Moderate.......................Low..............
High (≥6.combos)[ Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya ] -
Moderate (≥5.combos)-[ Bastet ]
Low (≥3.combos)-

Godfest Analysis

'So, should I roll in day 1 or day 2? Which pantheons are better overall?'

This is a common question on the sub, and this section aims to answer that succinctly. It largely depends on your current playing skill. Obviously you should try rolling both days, but the bonus rates on specific pantheons do have a significant effect on the rate at which you can start with a good leader.

Listed below are the names of all the various types of pantheons. Click the pantheon name to read about each one in greater depth. Click the monster icons to see individual card information. The star ratings indicate how good this pantheon is as a whole.

Godfest Pantheons

PantheonGreco-Roman (Greek 1)Japanese 1
Rating /5
PantheonIndian 1Norse
Rating /5★★★★
PantheonEgyptian 1Greek (Greek 2)
Rating /5★★★★★★
PantheonArchangels (Angel 1)Archdemons
Rating /5
PantheonChineseJapanese 2
Rating /5★★★★★★★
PantheonHeroes3 Kingdoms
Rating /5★★★★★
PantheonIndian 2Egyptian 2
Rating /5★★★★★★★★
PantheonStar Angels (Angel 2)Sengoku (Samurai)
Rating /5★★★★
PantheonMechanical Star 1Mechanical Star 2
Rating /5

Godfest Exclusives (GFE)

Monsters[ Odin ] / [ Odin, the War Deity ] [ Phantom God, Odin ] [ Red Dragon Caller, Sonia ] / [ Jade Dragon Caller, Sonia ] [ Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia ] [ The Norn Urd ] [ The Norn Verdandi ] / [ The Norn Skuld ]
Rating /5★★★★★★★★
SetMetatronKaliBeast Demons
Monsters[ Archangel Metatron ] / [ Dark Angel Metatron ] [ Goddess of Secrets, Kali ] / [ Goddess of Power, Kali ] [ Black Beast Demon, Zuoh ] / [ White Beast Demon, Ilm ]
Rating /5★★★★★
SetDragonbounds 1Dragonbounds 2Botanicals (Eastern Dragon Callers)
Monsters[ Orange Dragonbound, Saria ] / [ Blue Dragonbound, Ryune ] [ Green Dragonbound, Sylvie ] [ Scarlet Dragon Caller, Tsubaki ] [ Indigo Dragon Caller, Sumire ] [ Moon Dragon Caller, Satsuki ] / [ Jasper Dragon Caller, Kaede ] [ Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna ]
Rating /5★★★★★★★
SetSteel StarNordic
Monsters[ Australis ] // [ Scheat ] [ Eschamali ] [ Fenrir ]
Rating /5

Detailed Analysis


Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesDefense break has a niche use. Orb change is nice but only available in the final form.Useless poison. Type buffs provides little to work with.Bind clear is fairly useful, although skill ups are painful.CTW is less useful now, but a usable sub on row teams.Gravity seems some use in later dungeons. Good TPA damage.

Known traditionally as the original 'resist' leads, they greatly reduce the damage of 1~3 elements. While not exceptionally powerful, they are decent subs in their Awoken form.

Japanese 1

Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesPowerful TPA sub. Decent orb change and strong defense break.Powerful TPA sub. Long delay is useful.Moderate shield.Bind clearer.CTW is not that useful, but becomes a very powerful lead.

Indian 1

Reroll Rating★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesDecent lead. Strong defense null/break.Drain skill isn't that great, but becomes a fairly good lead.Moderately strong lead. Heartmaker.Strong shield with great stats.Button press sub, weak dark buff.


Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesPairs with Raoh.Pairs with Ryune.Pairs with Sylvie.Pairs with Saria.Pairs with Halloween Vamp.

Egyptian 1

Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesHigh damage and RCV, perfect with an inherited skill.Excellent utility sub, short CD.Fairly popular strong combo lead, perfect with an inherited skill.Powerful leader, although limited subpool. Good for farming PreDRAs.Legendary leader, difficult to use but slays 7x6.
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Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesKey Shiva Dragon and Yamato Takeru sub.Great on Neptune Dragon, Andromeda and Blue Sonia.Solid leader and sub. Pairs well with Pirate Sonia.Sakuya's perfect sub.Excellent sub a variety of God and Devil teams.


UrielGabrielMichaelRaphaelArchangel Lucifer
Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesGadius' optimal sub, fits well onto teams like Shiva Dragon.Underappreciated sub for Water teams, faces tough competition from Andromeda.Popular sub for Astaroth teams.Necessity on Saria/Thor teams, damage immunity and 5 rows make Raphael potent.Even with a new evolution, still miserably useless.

Puzzle And Dragons Database


BelialAmonAstarothBaalArchdemon Lucifer
Reroll Rating★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesThe most shafted of the archdemons, still decent but not spectacular.Powerful stats and Machine Killer. Good row sub option.Strong row leader, but limited in subpool.A fine row sub, but provides little in terms of uniqueness.Extremely popular row leader with a pierce active and God Killer.


Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesGreat for Tsubaki; row lead board changer.Still trying to find a strong niche, can sub in on any row teams (although BSonia and Skuld tend to compete).TPA sub for leads like Bastet.Powerful quadcolor lead with great stats, high multiplier and solid awakenings and active.A key sub on many Dark teams like Yomi Dragon, Awoken Yomi and Anubis.

Japanese 2

Ame no UzumeUmisachi & YamasachiKushinadaIzanagiOkuninushi
Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesFire RCV powerhouse and bind cleric.Decent quadcolour lead, less favorable compared to similar options but still competent.Strong low CD shield, awakenings are rather random. Limited usage.God buff for teams like Hathor or Awoken Ra. Inferior to Kanna as a sub.Delay and dark buff, used often in Yomi Dragon teams as a safety button.


Yamato TakeruAndromedaPerseusSun WukongPandora
Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesNo-nonsense powerful row sub with 3 skill boosts.Powerful row sub and lead. Provides SBR coverage.Powerful row sub and lead. Provides SBR coverage.Strong Row sub. Great on teams like Saria/Thor.Popular since her release, depending on form a powerful orb changer for Yomidra, or a system-able row sub for Typhon and Lucifer.

3 Kingdoms

Cao CaoSun QuanLiu BeiDa Qiao & Xiao QiaoLu Bu
Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesDelay and orb changer. Depending on form, a good TPA sub for A.Shiva, or a powerful utility sub for Shiva Dragon.Delay and Healer buff, faces some competition but great on Water healer teams.Once a stable TPA sub, lost his uniqueness and faces competition without a SBR. Strong active.Row sub comparable to Wukong, fits best on a Saria/Thor composition.A reminder of the old RSonia meta, an easily replaceable Devil buff sub.

Indian 2

Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesHigh damage orb enhance lead. Limited subpool and RCV are an issue.High damage orb enhance lead. Strong, but loses the row damage that Water is associated with.Powerful TPA and skyfall sub. Best used on Bastet and Osiris teams.Although excellent in his niche of Weekend Dungeon, as a sub practically sees no use.Easily activatable leader post-ult, lacks the firepower and awakenings to be competitive in the meta.

Egyptian 2

Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesTPA sub with a buff and orb change active, his primary niche is on Horus, although he is sometimes used on Shiva Dragon.Low CD orb spawner, good potential but not a lot of supporting leads or subs.Pairable with Bastet. Great quick orb spawner.Bulky rainbow leader, good selection of utility subs to choose from.Not the strongest, but bulky, decent damage and a potent orb enhance+buff active.

Star Angels

Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★
NotesHeartmaker, rather niche appeal and not effective as a bind healer.Sub for UY, still lacks a strong niche.Quick dual orb spawner. Not much use.Quick orb spawner. Could fit on some TPA builds.Sub for Durga and Haku. Good TPA damage, but replaceable.


Sanada YukimuraMori MotonariIshida MitsunariMaeda KeijiAkechi Mitsuhide
Reroll Rating★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesRow sub with high potential. Strong double orb conversion and enhance active. Great on Shiva Dragon.Bicolor board, faces tough competition from Karin, Skuld and Blue Sonia as a sub.Interesting tricolor board, lack of a niche to fit into.Orb refresher and respectable rainbow/combo hybrid leader. Can sub as a pseudo-Kali.Typhon's best man, combos well with Haku or Typhon boards.

Mechanical Star 1

Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

Mechanical Star 2

Reroll Rating★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


Red OdinBlue OdinGreen Odin
Reroll Rating★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★


Red SoniaBlue SoniaGreen Sonia
Reroll Rating★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★


Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★


Light MetatronDark Metatron
Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★


Light KaliDark Kali
Reroll Rating★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★

Beast Demons

Reroll Rating★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★

Dragonbounds 1

Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★

Dragonbounds 2

Reroll Rating★★★★★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★


Reroll Rating★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

Steel Star

Reroll Rating★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★★★★
NotesRecently finding a niche as the perfect sub for Rukia, a powerful TPA/orb conversion/skyfall sub.Great sub for Perseus, providing raw power through rows. Excellent active.Valuable sub, staple of a Yomi Dragon/Awoken Yomi team. Potent orb enhances and great active.


Reroll Rating
Endgame Rating★★★
NotesThe mastermind of the Jammer Meta, extremely powerful but extremely difficult to use. Requires a very specific set of subs to reach maximum potential. God Killer is especially useful

Dragon Knights

Reroll Rating★★★★★★★
Endgame Rating★★★★★★★★
NotesAnother powerful 5-color board spawner with haste. Introduces Healer Killer, along with Devil Kiler.Strong shield and Dragon/Machine buffer. Introduces Physical killer, along with God Killer.