Become High King Of Skyrim V2

  1. High King Of Skyrim Mod

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The Dragonborn has saved Skyrim from countless perils, if anyone deserves to be King, it's him.

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Skyrim Mods: Become High King of Skyrim - Part 1

Zero Period Productions

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What's up guys George here from zero productions back with another Skyrim Saturday mod review extravaganza and today for Skyrim Saturday we are taking a look at become high king of Skyrim this is a mod that I downloaded a long time ago but never used but today I figured you know it's no time like the present so let's get to it so to start the quest line you have to go here to the warrens in Markarth and you'll be greeted by a brand new character in here he's over here as you can tell by the fact that he's glowing a little bit hello circus of the black hmm you seem out of place who are you of course I'm out of place I was just added by that mod you installed that I represent a shadowy organization that serves the stay of the course of history through unconventional means such as mods you mean like the Dark Brotherhood no no the the Brotherhood is nothing compared to the organization I serve they are merely a shadow of their former strength no longer fit to operate all right well he's not wrong have you played the Dark Brotherhood quest Lane your fumer me we do much more than just assassinations and our reach is much further I offer you Skyrim itself interesting don't you think you're crazy leave me alone alright let's do that and just end the mod right here nope alright I shall take you up on the offer good I have updated your quest journal one more thing our reach is far and wide for a price I can have any person you wish killed speak to me when you're all ready one thing that this mod installs is it does contain an ESP for setting everyone so that you can make them not essential so I can ask him are you said too essential no I am NOT essential and that is how life in Skyrim is you only live once I am here to make the best of it I need you to be essential from now on all right that makes sense safety first alright so let's take a.

Look at the journal real quick to where the jagged crown returns a circus when you have completed the requirements don't worry about the objectives not completing yes oh I did read the the mod. Page so you'll see here that one of the required things is gain 20 supporters and 50,000 gold sure I have the 50,000 gold I need again 20 supporters tho 'kill Ulfric and elesif to force your way into the throne Ulfric Saul Reddy dead because I did the Imperial side of the Civil War she was one marry either Ulfric were elesif to gain right to the throne or gain 40.

Supporters instead of 20 to become the voice of Skyrim's people so I'm not sure how long it will take to get the 20 supporters I need so if it's not too hard I'll do the 40 supporters instead of marrying elesif cena's Ulfric stead and I'm not into dudes anyway so let's start down here voice of the people hello oh that's gross well speaking of which will you support my campaign to be high king no that is treasonous talk alright well i should mark her for death then but I won't because I shall be a kind and just ruler but seriously screw that woman who just told me to fuck off how about you sir the Warrens isn't a place for your time will you support me no that is treasonous talk alright well no one here likes me so I'm getting the hell out of here you know what I'm gonna head to to Whiterun I suppose also the I'm pretty sure that the quests don't keep track so it won't tell you oh you have 1 out of 20 supporters 2 out of 20 supporters I think you just have to keep track of that on your own unfortunately oh well it's a night time but let's see who wants to back my claim to the throne I mean I am the Dragonborn I did save the world so let's get to it hello hello fine patrons what'd you say to me being your king I'm pretty sure he's not gonna I'm pretty sure he's gonna say no - alright had a feeling if it's gonna be great out odds are that means they've they're gonna say no all right yeah ok never mind let's get going again I think part of it has to do with your relationship to the MPC and if you have a oh no it's a goddamn vampire alright yep all right will you support my claim to being high king oh damn it alright well now I'm a also I'm about to die damn I'll focus the vampire it's a gargoyle alright gargoyle dead how about that vampire over there how's that going I don't want to get in here cuz I might accidentally kill someone that I'm not supposed to kill me just let me just scoot over here a little bit Boop alright oh he's running away what oh I got him I got him how about.

Now will you support my claim to be High King what do you say she's gonna say no alright yeah no never mind I just saved your life but no yes yes can you make me.

High King that'd be wonderful so let's see you feel sick uh oh I am feeling sick I should go cure that right now it can't be a vampire King now oh so this might take a while alright yeah no one wants me to be hiking you would seem I think it has something to do with your relationship to the MPC so if you've done like a quest for them and you have their I forget what they call it in Skyrim not renown but maybe it is renowned then I think they're more likely to back you I'm pretty sure oh oh here we go will you support my campaign to be hiking yes you deserve to be hiking alright okay so it doesn't track it on the quest mod itself but it will tell you how many supporters you have so one out of twenty I got a ways to go I got to try and remember who I've actually helped in the game in who I haven't helped so I might just cut this all out because this is just gonna take forever it's just gonna be kind of going back and forth to different people there is a good amount of content in this mod though so this will be fun to do okay never mind he he.

Has nothing to say in regards to me being I can we support my campaign no that's treasonous talk the unfortunate thing is now that I've gotten the yes response that choice is. Gonna be grayed out no matter what so all right some of these people are from. Interesting NPCs just by the way so that's why you might not recognize them. No reason to suck all right you know what I'll be back when I have my damn supporters so it took forever but I'm finally back and I finally got the 40 people to support me that I needed hello I've done when it's necessary can you make me high king good you have the voice of skyress people your new palace is located underground in high reach keep what if I'm King why am i underground High King commands yeah I'm gonna set this guy I'm gonna mark him for death he's gonna get himself killed High King commands hail hail your highness i order you to I promote you to I punish you are you essential I need you to guard me I promote you to yes my. Lord noble of Skyrim citizen of high reach keep hero of Skyrim Ranger of Skyrim high councilmember royal spouse yes we're married now by the way y'all of alright so let's do citizen of high reach keep I'm honored my lord alright so now let's head to high reach keep and check out my new home alright so it is. Right by solitude yep high reach keep there we go in theory you should receive we'll wait where the hell am i had alright so this is high reach keep where where does this exist in the world now I'm curious so this is okay there's a.

Tunnel that leads to I reach keep wherever the hell that's supposed to be then in the whole grand scheme of things in theory I would be you know I'm residing in the blue palace cuz I'm pretty sure that's where I mean because solitude is the capital discovery and I'm pretty sure that the the prior king of King Touareg I want to say his name was in the blue palace as well along with you know his wife elesif that being said I can also understand the idea of the mod author wanting to bring a brand new area into the mix so that you feel like you're accomplishing or gaining something new and immediately it starts raining during you know my my rule as king of my new keep wherever it is hello.

Sir how are you ooh look my guards what do you mean what is it I'm your king mm-hmm I'm uh I'm. Your king how do you feel about that hi King commands well no not really I don't want to do anything to him all right see how this does add new NPCs or like new citizens to your game for the sole purpose of being in your city why do I have activate soul forge activate activates soul Forge oh okay I think this gives you like a new soul gem everyday or something this adds all the standing stones here all right just taking a look around because I haven't familiarized myself with this area yet seeing as this is my first time here really nice houses I got to say everyone in high reach keep is is living well let me tell you where does this go all right we are wait did I just.

Wait what where the hell did that door put me like um that's odd that's an odd choice to have a door that leads to a trapdoor that pits me over here when I was just over there all right that's a was not expecting that hello I don't think so I'm the king.

That's right hail your highness i order you to dance yeah fucking right dance.

Stupid guard go fill in with any locks around here we're gonna have a real big party all right yeah that's right you remember that you are now lord of the dance i promote you all right just take a look at the mine because it's all mine I'm sorry that was horrible okay so we got our goal gold.

Veins so is that different from regular gold then I don't know we'll find out is they gonna look around is there anyone here I can boss around doesn't seem like it um now I'm gonna leave the gold for now I'm a king I can't be bothered to mine my own gold nah I make my own gold my own way by you know ordering peasants to give me their gold because I'm the king but no I shall be a benevolent ruler that's cuz I'm the king what do you need I'm going to give you some orders oh well alright oh yeah you have the option to kill people with your thumb essentially how elfric was able to more or less I mean he didn't kill the king with this nobody disarmed him essentially see yeah you can kill people on command with your thumb I can I can order him to well I can send him to death right here I can get his possessions he can bow before me or he can dance again yeah that's right it dance for your king this pleases me merchants drop-off pin all right we should probably take a look at my castle wow these uh pretty uh pretty lifelike statues if I don't say so myself hi reach barracks alright have each Treasury I'll go in there a little later hi reach castle oh yes I.

You are my Bard correct yes i order you.

To bow before me yeah that's right.

I'm king deal with it. All right so now I'm my Stormcloak banner up there all right that's right bow before your king in this kingly ways and I'm tired of sitting already that was oh really okay just gonna throw some. Food around I see how it is all right so that's the only uh nope I was gonna bout to say that's the only room in here but there's one other room it would seem oh. This is fancy oh oh and I have a little I have a sauna ah I can conclude my kingly duties with a sauna and there's a there's a bar and there's another door here alright I have plenty of mannequins for all many different outfits I have a forge cupboards alright very nice I'm.

Liking this castle so far it's like it's a castle fit for a king because that's me I'm the king and you better get used to it everyone cuz I'm in charge now took forever to get those 40 people to agree that I should be king though and when you think about it is kind of funny it's like oh you have 40 people that's all you need that's you only need 40 people to back you in order to become king of you know the entire nation yeah you need a move you're in my kingly way oh god he disappeared alright there you are I'm fine just uh just go about your bard duties Oh hmm that door doesn't work why.

Put a door there if the door doesn't work stupid door it is funny though because this door doesn't match the door on the inside they're not the same door because it's it's a modified version of um oh I'm using the well it's not the Harold Lee of the Companions but it's Ezra mores battle axe I forget its name but interesting choice of Harold II I suppose Merchants drop-off bin alright I'm guessing this is the hall of the Dead high ridge catacombs I was close enough right this is the high reach armory. Wonderful okay so I can get more people to come to my town I can order my guards around I know what we're gonna do I'm high King so I'm gonna go find someone I don't like and order them or you know sentence them to death on the spot and I have someone in mind as we speak so let's go find them and we'll be right back Oh hmm all right so I can't fast travel.

To anywhere else from the cell all right that's a a little bit interesting so let's step outside and then we shall find the man that I want to kill and have him killed all right so on to Whiterun to kill the. Man that I wish death upon where is he. Oh damn it they set up vampire yeah that's on vampire all right bow before your king bow before your damn King a stupid vampire no vampires in my kingdom what yeah I'm the king I shouldn't have.

To do this all right oh damn it in a way. Stupid vampire I said bow before your king that's right bow all right yeah no I'm so glad no one helped me also this chickens dead it's not my fault definitely not my fault are you doing all right so let's wait till morning for so I can find the person that I wish to kill all right now where is he where the hell is he I'll know him when I see him the most arrogant man in the world I wish death upon him I've never wished harm upon a man such as this one so where is he he's always in the cloud district I know that much because he's always bragging about it let me tell you know where oh oh you don't say Ulfric.

Shouted the King to death well it just so happens that I might do the very same thing to someone once I find them once here you are oh of course.

I don't is that so oh well uh bow before your king that's right that's right I'm your king I I punish you i sentence you to parole I can force people to permanent force labor in the mines woo I can send them to fight for their lives I can sentence you to fight for your life in that arena as a challenger as a gladiator public execution look how scared Nazim is right now hmm you know. What I could I could have him killed publicly but alright I don't know why I.

Checked to see if he was essential or not all right so you become my love.

Interest or fus-ro-dah.

Yeah that's right that was really.

Satisfying hello how are you mm-hmm all right so I promote you too.

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Hmm I promote you to noble of Skyrim.

It's no worries you're a great blacksmith it shall not go unrewarded minor lord appointed and.

Now hmm I'm just trying to think of what.

Else I want to do with my kingly powers whoa you commander mm-hmm. You don't say I promote you. I promote you to Ranger of Skyrim.

It is my honor to protect Skyrim you're damn right it is yeah Ranger appointed you can also start a war with the with the Thalmor and that's something I'm gonna do a little later after I finish giving everyone their new duties here in the world hmm. Slide from Nazim who else do I not like oh hey sold how you doing Oh funny that.

You say that huh hail hail your highness i order you to.

Become my love interest yeah all right.

She's so happy all right i order you to know i could also kill.

Her i suppose all right i Kings commands.

I promote you.

Royal spouse yay all right.

That what do you mean that is not my spouse I just told her she is I promote.

You to royal spouse she not my that is.

Not your spouse what does that mean fine all right fine you know never mind whew I know who I'm gonna promote I know who I'm gonna promote I'm gonna promote the yarl to Royal Council member and then I'll just replace him with someone else I suppose no no I guess I'll keep him as the yarl I'll take his steward and put him on the high counsel yeah all right this is gonna work out perfectly all right so hello Stuart not.

For much longer hail hail your highness I promote you to.

High Council member yes my lord yes Lord of administration I shall gladly accept the post I will see you in your palace wonderful I'm just gonna take all of these people have no spies all right hail hail your highness I promote to you to my councilmember yes.

My lord you shall be Lord Commander I shall.

Serve you at once your highness my stealing sword are yours to command I'm sorry that I'm taking everyone I'm sorry also while I'm here oh you know.

What you know what how you doing ma'am how are you what is it High King commands this is an NPC from a sent from interesting NPCs just so you guys know that way you you're like I don't recognize this person yes my lord you shall be a High Council member you shall be high scholar it is an honor my lord I will see you in your palace that's right you will all right and where are his obnoxious kids I'm gonna teach them a thing or two about manners.

You don't say hail hail your highness I punish you wait wait let's not be hasty about this I mean I'm just a spoiled kid i sentence you to permanent forced labor in the our gold mines have mercy my lord oh that was fast all right that's right you get over there immediately so I'm sorry about murdering your child well not murdering your child enslaving your child feel a little bad not that bad oh oh you see I'm just gonna take revenge on everyone that I don't like in Skyrim now this is gonna be horrible but I'm so happy right now

Become high king of skyrim v2 kill ulfric

Trello is the visual collaboration platform that gives teams perspective on projects. Use Trello to collaborate, communicate and coordinate on all of your projects. Become King of Skyrim This Mod is not made by me. I just ported it to ps3. Creator of the Mod: Aysigago's NexusMods Profile Installation Co.

So I have been doing my normal reading and looking around and found a new mod for the PC version of Skyrim.
This mod allows you to become the High King of Skyrim and adds a number of new features to the game including
Become high king of skyrim v2 xb1 editionorder people to:
- bow to you/dance for you
- give you all their possessions

High King Of Skyrim Mod

- become your bodyguard (follower)
- force anyone to fall in love with you and become a potential marriage candidate regardless of gender
- instantly kill your target with the Thuum
- promote people to various social standings
- invite people to live in your castle
- sentence anyone to death by execution
- sentence anyone to death in the arena
- sentence any 2 NPC's to fight each other to the death in the arena
- punish people by sending them to work in the slave labor mines
- have people imprisoned
and more.
This mod seems awsome, I only wish they allowed adding mods to the xbox so I can play it
But for you PC gamers you can find it here